A Review of 2Moons
"2Moons" is an upcoming free MMORPG video game developed by the now ex-Crytek UK company, Cryptic Studios. The game is an adaptation of Korean MMORPG Dekaron for the North American marketplace, following in the footsteps of CityVille. The story follows a young boy who lives in a peaceful town called Moonstone. One night a mysterious stranger arrives and begins to take over the town, terrorizing everyone and everything within its grasp. Only one person with guts and a little help can stop this madness before it can do any more damage...
The premise behind the game is simple enough. Moonstone is about to be destroyed by an evil being. The citizens are unwilling to fight and the only person who can stop this impending doom is none other than two moons who have recently started a romance after accidentally falling out of an airplane. The story line for the game revolves around these two characters trying to uncover the secret to this mysterious town's destruction, while also going through personal challenges as well.
The story line is engaging enough to keep players on their toes while still providing them with many ways to combat the various monsters that appear throughout the game. The best part of the game involves moons traveling through many different cities, encountering many different types of monsters and other players along the way. It's a great way to level up your character since you get to take on tougher monsters which will require more work to take down. In addition to this, players can purchase various upgrades and weapons to give themselves a greater edge against their foes.