
Miga Town: My Apartment APK for Android


XiHe Digital GuangZhou Technology Co. Ltd(Free)

User rating8

Experience True Imagination With the iPhone and iPad

About Miga Town: My Apartment is an online-based app for Android, in the category of "Communication & Information". It can be downloaded for free and can be used to access the latest free Android apps. With the help of the Android SDK, one can build applications and share them with other users. To date, there are more than eight thousand apps for Android in the Google play store.

The story of Miga Town: My Apartment follows the life of a thirty-something year old San Francisco professional woman (voice-overs), who lives in a small flat in the city's downtown. One day, her husband boards up their place and asks her to take care of their daughter's baby, a boy. When she refused to abandon her baby at a nearby hospital for two days, her husband left with their baby and disappeared, leaving her with the responsibility of looking after their son. However, when the baby starts to show signs of precociousness, it is up to the apartment-loving mother to unlock his potential and to raise him appropriately. And as she puts up with lots of inconveniences, like frequent trips to the doctor, a broken refrigerator, and much more, she slowly comes to realize that she has a knack for technology, and as a result, she gets herself an amazing android apartment-mod, the "Miga Town: My Apartment" app.

Miga Town: My Apartment follows the life of a woman who slowly realizes that while she may live a sheltered life, she still possesses a vast amount of imagination. And as she uncovers the secrets to the town's hidden future, she enlists the help of her neighbor, the robot engineer, and together they forge an uneasy but enduring bond. The voice-overs and realistic animations make the apartment-mod apk version very endearing; you will truly feel like you're living inside the wonderful world inside Miga Town. And with several levels and a dozen levels of adventure, along with a lifetime of fun and unlimited entertainment, the iPad and iPhone are very well suited for this application. It can truly be said that Miga Town: My Apartment brings the real world to your tablet, while inspiring your imagination with its unique plot.




Miga Town: My Apartment 1.10 for Android
  • Android 13.0
Latest update:
Tuesday, October 17th 2023
XiHe Digital GuangZhou Technology Co. Ltd

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Miga Town: My Apartment APK for Android


XiHe Digital GuangZhou Technology Co. Ltd(Free)

User rating8


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