
Lyon Public Transport APK for Android



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Free public transport app

Lyon Public Transport is a free public transport app developed by TCL SYTRAL. It aims to facilitate public transport options in the city of Lyon, France, and shares features with map and transport apps like Google Maps Go and MAPS.ME. You can check the city map and different ways to reach places.

In fact, this is the official app from TCL, which stands for Transports Communs Lyonnais, the local public transport agency. This means you'll have access to information from the best source available. It includes data not readily available elsewhere, such as precise information on which transport to take.

More accuracy

If you're an avid user of popular apps like Google Maps, you may have noticed it sometimes doesn't cover the full range of transport options. Other times, it doesn't display the best route available. This happens especially when you have to use a combination of different transport systems such as buses and trains.

If you use the Lyon Public Transport app, you'll know exactly the different options you need to reach your destination. This includes the city and its surroundings. It covers the city's whole transport network, including four subway lines, five tramway lines, two funicular lines and 130 bus lines.

Extra information

Lyon Public Transport not only lets you check the itinerary of its many transport lines conveniently but also provides comprehensive information about different itineraries. This includes a map view where different trajectory lines show you which transport is used for each segment.

It also has precise and real-time information on departure and arrival times. This includes current delays and future programmed ones. It even shows the carbon emissions for each trip if you're interested in that.

Comprehensive but not without flaws

Lyon Public Transport is an excellent app to download whether you're a recurrent user of public transport in this city or an occasional visitor. It offers more than Google Maps and can make your travelling experience more enjoyable. It covers almost everything a public transport app should cover.

Unfortunately, the app is puzzlingly awkward to use at times. It demands extra steps for simple things. In fact, you could say there's an excellent app behind the bad user experience. That said, if you want precise and comprehensive information about Lyon's public transport system, look no further.


Lyon Public Transport 6.17.4 for Android
  • Android 13.0
Latest update:
Thursday, October 26th 2023

Download options:

Lyon Public Transport APK for Android



User rating8


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