
Dominoes for Android


Han Arantes(Free)

User rating8


Dominoes: A Classic Board Game for Android


Dominoes is a free board game developed by Han Arantes for Android users. It is a popular game played with rectangular tiles, known as dominoes. The game offers two different rules of playing, draw or pass. A total of 28 dominoes are used in the game, each with its end marked with a number of spots, also known as pips, nips, or dobs. Dominoes is an exciting game of skill, strategy, and a bit of luck that has entertained generations and is one of the most played board games in the world.

The game offers an immersive and enjoyable gaming experience, with beautiful designs and stunning visuals. You can customize your gameplay experience by choosing from various themes and backgrounds. The game features intuitive controls and is simple yet engaging, providing a unique blend of challenge and excitement that will keep you coming back for more. With multiplayer support for up to 4 players, you can challenge your friends or test your skills against AI opponents. Dominoes is a timeless classic that every board game enthusiast should have on their Android device.



Dominoes 10.0 for Android
  • Android 13.0
Latest update:
Tuesday, May 21st 2024
Han Arantes

Download options:
Google Play

Dominoes for Android


Han Arantes(Free)

User rating8


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