
2048 Cube Winner APK for Android



User rating8


Free number merging game

2048 Cube Winner is a free number merging game for Android devices. In this game, you match the same numbers to merge them, going higher and higher until you reach the magic number 2048. The game involves plenty of strategies. You’ll receive a random number every time, which you’ll need to match to win diamonds and coins.

This game is similar to other merge games like Dicedom - Merge Puzzle and Merge Mansion. However, 2048 Cube Winner is much more fast-paced, making it ideal if you need a little bit of entertainment quickly.

Improve your number recognition and math concepts

This matching game is great for improving your memory and critical thinking. It even enhances number recognition and even teaches some basic mathematical concepts. It’s a fun way to keep your brain stimulated while still playing an enjoyable game.

Simple gameplay

2048 Cube Winner is simple to understand and play. You’ll generate a randomly numbered cube. You’ll then aim and fire this block at a matching block on the board. Matching blocks will rack up scores; the higher your score is, the more rewards you’ll win. 

The design is also straightforward; you have different coloured cubes with numbers on them, and you shoot them across a blue board. The design isn’t overly cluttered or busy, so you can just relax while you play.

Earn great rewards

One of the benefits of 2048 Cube Winner is the fact that you can earn some great rewards. By winning and meeting specific goals within the game, you can earn coins, and more importantly, you can win diamonds. Diamonds are incredibly helpful, as they can be used in other games such as Free Fire. This means that you can play an entertaining game and also earn rewards that can be used in more games.

Enjoy matching numbers

2048 Cube Winner is an entertaining, free game where you match numbered cubes. This game can provide entertainment for hours and is oddly addictive. The rewards you can earn are also helpful if you enjoy other games. Why not download the APK now and give it a try?


2048 Cube Winner 1.0.1 for Android
  • Android 13.0
Latest update:
Sunday, March 31st 2024
Download options:

2048 Cube Winner APK for Android



User rating8


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