Our range of desktop apps covers everything from Backup, cloud storage, database, networking, programming languages, FTP clientes and source editors. If you´re in need of reliable Backup and Cloud storage tools you can check our options. Are you into programming languages? check our ample selection that will enable you to program at different levels. For those interested in networking you can browse thourgh our top titles
Helpium Project(Free)IDrive Backup and Storage
IDrive Inc.(Trial version)CryEngine
Crytek GmbH.(Free)Library Manager
SawanSoft(Trial version)Software Ideas Modeler
Dusan Rodina(Free)TrustViewer
TrustViewer(Free)Windows 10 Bloat Remover and TweakerWindows 10 Bloat Remover and Tweaker
Francesco Saltori(Free)SmartWhois
Tamos(Trial version)Notepad++ Plugins
Michael Mateas and Andrew Stern(Free)Open Freely
Blue Labs, LLC(Free)