Windows Keyfinder
Free Download For PC. Alternative Windows Keyfinder Download from internet server (Availability not guaranteed). Old versions. Software. Windows Keyfinder v4.0. English.
Windows Keyfinder v5.0. English. Now includes Windows Keyword Finder! This version also retrieves other related products, such as Word Fix, Outlook Express, Search & Dictionary, Kaspersky and others. It does so in a smarter way: first it searches all available keywords in the entire dictionary, then it checks whether the word is found in the text file and downloads it if so.
The best thing about Windows Keyfinder is that even if it cannot find the exact keyword, it still tries to at least make the search more useful for users and experts by giving information about variations in the search text. So, the key you are looking for, in this case, should be present in the text file, because it would be a waste of time and effort if it did not appear there, or at least in some form that users and experts can use to search for it. However, I have noticed lately that this function seems to be quite lacking in most of the latest versions of windows. That is why, you should be on the look out for any version of windows keyfinder which can meet your needs. I will add zebNet Ltd in this list of makers of windows keyfinder, because they have a very good product with many customizable options for end-users and experts alike.