
Lost Dream: Darkness for Windows

Morning Shift Studios(Paid)

User rating8


Lost Dream: Darkness - A Silent Journey Towards the Light


Lost Dream: Darkness is a game developed by Morning Shift Studios, available for Windows. The game is a walking simulator that tells a silent story about a world consumed by a sudden Darkness. The player's objective is to embark on a journey towards the light, with the world getting brighter step by step.

The gameplay is very simple, with basic controls that are easy to learn. Players run through different levels, discovering the world along the way. The world is massive, with everything from mountain tops to the deepest forests and lakes. The journey from Darkness to the light is an experience that players will never forget. Lost Dream: Darkness has high-quality soundtracks, along with a bunch of high-quality ambiance sounds that make the experience even better. However, the game length is a little bit on the short side and does not include a saving system. Players need to make sure they have up to 2 hours of spare time to experience the game to the fullest.



Lost Dream: Darkness for Windows
  • Windows 11
Latest update:
Tuesday, February 6th 2024
Morning Shift Studios

Lost Dream: Darkness for PC

Morning Shift Studios(Paid)

User rating8


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