Find album covers with CoverScout
CoverScout is an excellent tool that allows you to search for album covers on Amazon, iTunes Music Store, and Google Images. With a sleek and intuitive interface, CoverScout makes it easy to find the right album covers for your iTunes, iPhone, iPod, or Apple TV. It offers features like Quick Look, which allows you to see your album covers in all their glory, and CoverEditor, which allows you to edit your album covers.
CoverScout searches your favorite sites in order of preference and displays the results in CoverShelf. It can search Amazon, Google Images, and WalMart, giving you a wide selection of album art to choose from. Once you've found the cover you want, simply apply it to your selected album. You can even find covers for specific singles and play the selected track directly in iTunes. CoverScout is a great tool to have when iTunes can't retrieve your album covers, as it usually has you covered.