Anime Amaze
Anime Amaze is a puzzle/adventure game developed by ISI Games and published by Google. The story of the game takes place in Tokyo during World War II where you play the role of a Japanese intern who is sent to the U.S. following the dropping of the Japanese colonialists' rule. You have the task of searching for missing American soldiers along with other information such as where they were assigned, what they did and what happened to them. Searching for the answers to these questions will allow you to uncover the truth about what happened to the Tokyo internment camp, what happened to the Hollywood internment, and ultimately why the war was started in the first place.
This interactive novel series comes with a pre-loaded level set from the start of the series, and players can continue where they left off. Players can also jump right into an extra mission that takes place a few months after the events of the main plot, which expands the plot line and adds even more twists and turns. The storyline is very well written, and the graphics, including all of the post-apocalyptic scenes is really well drawn. If you've seen the TV series you're probably already familiar with most of the characters and the story, but I'll say this right upfront: Don't worry about the story. All you need to do is solve the puzzles to get to the end.
Some of the features included in the Android version of Anime Amaze are: -Google Play Services support - ADSL & MMS -HD sound -Scrolling text - Tablet support -LAN support The Android version of Anime Amaze has a couple of slight drawbacks compared to the PC version: -No voice acting -Slow game speed This is a pretty minor gripe, but I suppose the same can be said for everything. The game is not without its flaws, however. I felt that the graphics were not as detailed as I would have liked, and the overall gameplay had some flaws. Other than those two minor complaints, this game is excellent! I highly recommend giving it a go if Anime fans or PC gamers alike are looking for an enjoyable time collecting, playing and completing puzzle games on mobile devices!