Step Back Into The Mid-90s With Windows 95
Windows 95 is the working name for an Electron version of Windows 95, Microsoft's hit operating system that ultimately helped put Windows computers on desks everywhere. It implements almost every feature a Windows 95 user or lover could want. Windows 95 comes with all of the apps that made it a success in its heyday, from Minesweeper to Notepad and Paint. The only area where Windows 95 truly staggers is with the Internet: the built-in browser can't load any web pages, and workarounds are few and far between.
Overall, Windows 95 itself has not aged impressively, but this app is a stunning implementation of it in a very simple package that can run on a lot of different devices. Its straightforwardness means it uses as much RAM as a typical Windows 95 computer would have plus extra, and its faithfulness means that it can't do much with the Internet, but for those looking to try out Windows 95 for one reason or another (or none at all), this might just be the way to do it.