
InstaBeauty -Makeup Selfie Cam APK for Android



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InstaBeauty -Makeup Selfie Cam: Fix your look

Everyone loves a good selfie, and that is where InstaBeauty -Makeup Selfie Cam comes into play. This photography app is a game-changer for anyone looking to up their selfie game. It's packed with over 100 makeup styles and filters, making it the go-to app for fixing up your photos. It is very popular, with over 50 million users worldwide, thanks to its cool features like selfie filters, teeth whitening, and fun stickers.

What is InstaBeauty -Makeup Selfie Cam and how does it work?

InstaBeauty -Makeup Selfie Cam is a full-on photo editing tool that lets you play around with over 100 makeup styles and filters. Got a few blemishes or skin imperfections? No problem. InstaBeauty can help you get that flawless selfie look. It's designed to be easy to use, so even if you've never used makeup before, you can still get amazing results. This app is all about making your selfies look professional with just a few taps.

There are similar software that you can use like Beauty Camera Makeup Face Selfie And Photo Editor


YouCam Makeup- Makeover Studio or, Makeup Kit. However, InstaBeauty offers a vast amount of features to make your photo look better than before.

InstaBeauty -Makeup Selfie Cam features

InstaBeauty comes packed with features to make your photos look their best:

  • Beauty Makeup: This feature lets you glam up without the need for real makeup. You can fix your eyebrows, add some lip color, and blush with ease. It's all about getting that perfect look quickly and easily.
  • Beauty Camera: The app's camera is ready to make you look great with just one tap. It has lots of presets and filters that smooth your skin and fix any imperfections in real-time. Plus, you can adjust the settings to get your look just right.
  • Beauty Collage: Love making photo collages? InstaBeauty has over 200 styles to choose from, making it easy to create cool, magazine-like collages right from your phone.
  • Beauty Video: Videos are all the rage on social media, and with InstaBeauty, you can make sure yours look great. The app enhances your videos as you record, so you don't need to worry about editing afterward.
  • QuickSnap: For those who love taking lots of selfies to get the perfect one, QuickSnap is perfect. It lets you take multiple photos quickly, so you can choose the best one without missing a moment.

Whether you're trying to perfect your daily selfie, create an eye-catching collage, or share a stunning video, InstaBeauty has all the tools you need. It's about making photo editing simple, fun, and accessible to everyone.



InstaBeauty -Makeup Selfie Cam 5.0.9 for Android
  • Android 6.0
Available languages:
  • English,
  • Arabic,
  • German,
  • Spanish,
  • French,
  • Italian,
  • Japanese,
  • Korean,
  • Dutch,
  • Polish,
  • Portuguese,
  • Russian,
  • Swedish,
  • Turkish,
  • Chinese
Latest update:
Monday, February 19th 2024

Download options:

InstaBeauty -Makeup Selfie Cam APK for Android



User rating8


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