I Love Stars: An Easier Way to View and Change iTunes Track Ratings
Are you one of those iTunes users who obsessively catalog your songs with star ratings? If so, I Love Stars is the perfect program for you. This Mac application allows you to view and change the star ratings of your iTunes tracks directly from the menu bar. With its simple and intuitive interface, it makes rating songs a breeze.
In the top-right corner of your Mac's menu bar, you'll find the number of stars displayed. Clicking on it reveals the name of the currently playing song. The main purpose of I Love Stars is to show the rating, but you can also interact with it. By dragging the stars rating with your mouse, you can easily highlight or deselect the number of stars you want to give a song. Additionally, you can even rate songs using half stars.
While I Love Stars may not be an essential iTunes add-on, it is a must-have for those who can't stand their songs not having a star rating. With its convenient menu bar display and user-friendly interface, it provides a seamless way to manage your iTunes track ratings.
Changes in the latest version include the ability to rate songs stored in iCloud, bug fixes related to track ratings, performance improvements for large iTunes libraries, and the addition of a sandboxed environment for enhanced security.