Thought-Provoking Visual Novel: Bahnsen Knights
Embark on a premium visual novel adventure with "Bahnsen Knights," a game that delves into undercover investigations, occultism, and enigmatic characters. Developed by LCB Game Studio, players assume the role of Boulder, tasked with uncovering the truth behind the secretive activities of the Bahnsen Knights. Experience an immersive journey through intricate plots, well-developed characters, and critical decision-making that shapes the narrative's outcome. The game's exploration of religious fanaticism draws intriguing parallels with similar themes found in other narratives.
Immerse yourself in an occult-themed narrative as you navigate the complex world of the Bahnsen Knights. Step into Boulder's shoes, infiltrate the cult group, and unravel the mysteries while earning their trust to survive the investigation. Every choice made impacts the characters' fate, challenging players to piece together puzzles amidst lurking dangers. Crafted as the third installment of the Pixel Pulps series, "Bahnsen Knights" stands alone with its captivating storyline, combining quality writing and striking illustrations inspired by mid-20th century pulp fiction and '80s computer visuals.