
Winter Ember for Windows

Skymachine Studios(Paid)

User rating8


Winter Ember: A Stealth-Action Game with Unique Arrow Crafting System

Winter Ember is a full version stealth-action game developed by Skymachine Studios for Windows. The game follows the story of Arthur Artorias, the only survivor of a massacre that happened to his family. After 8 years of exile, he returns as the faceless man, seeking vengeance against the militant religion that destroyed his family's legacy. The game offers a true stealth experience, where players must stick to the shadows, infiltrate homes, and explore hidden passageways without being spotted.

Winter Ember offers a unique arrow crafting system, where players can experiment with over 30 arrows to prepare for their mission. Players can choose to craft smoke arrows to blind opponents or add poison elements to create poisonous gas. The game also features a skill tree that allows players to customize their playstyle from three distinct categories - stealth, combat, and utility.

The game takes place in the cold Victorian town of Anargal, on the verge of technological breakthrough. Players can explore vast environments filled with treasure and mystery, from rival gangs to unique characters. Winter Ember offers a myriad of ways to approach each scenario, with players taking advantage of the environment to find solutions to every problem and move past any challenge standing in their way.




Winter Ember for Windows
  • Windows 11
Latest update:
Tuesday, January 23rd 2024
Skymachine Studios

Winter Ember for PC

Skymachine Studios(Paid)

User rating8


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