
Five nights at Stalin for Windows


User rating8


Five Nights at Stalin: A Frightening Point-and-Click Action Game


Five Nights at Stalin is a point-and-click first-person action horror game that places the player in the role of a security guard working at a museum dedicated to Soviet life. As the security guard, your task is to ensure the safety and security of the museum during the night shift. However, things take a chilling turn as the exhibits come to life, unleashing a terrifying and eerie atmosphere throughout the museum.

Your main goal is to keep an eye on the statue of Stalin, which tries to leave the museum every night. Your job is to prevent this from happening by using cameras, a radio, a torch, and a table to hide under. The game is set over five nights, each more difficult than the last. There are three opponents, each with their own mechanics, and a hardcore night which is given on full playthrough. The game features beautifully atmospheric graphics and plenty of detail. The mechanics of the game are challenging and require you to use the tools given to you correctly to complete your task and prevent your own death. However, getting fired because of Stalin's escape is far from the worst thing that could happen.



Five nights at Stalin for Windows
  • Windows 11
Latest update:
Wednesday, January 17th 2024

Five nights at Stalin for PC


User rating8


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