Kinovea Optical Transceiver - Capture Quality Images With Your Kinovea Camera
Kinovea imaging software is a new digital video camera product that uses image sensors to record high quality videos. The product has four main components including the Kinovea optical transceiver, the storage media (SD card), the photo-processing engine and the video capture device. It's easy to see why this product is the leader of the industry. The product provides a professional grade video recording device, something that professional cameras from other companies simply cannot offer.
With the launch of the Kinovea beta version it is possible to take full advantage of the product. For example you can add video editing software such as Sony's Vegas Movie Studio or Microsoft's Windows Movie Maker to the equation. When recording a video using kinovea the processor will automatically save a.KVA file along with the captured video. The player then will use this file to read metadata which cannot normally be stored on the video file itself. This information provides the ability to identify where the picture actually came from.
At the time of writing the Windows version of knives is not available for download. This software does run properly on the free Windows XP Home Edition. Therefore if you are interested in downloading the free trial version, please visit the website below. A full copy of the software is also included as a download. This version should work correctly on both desktop and the internet and also works flawlessly on the newer Kinovea 0.9.3 OS.