
Super 3-D Noah's Ark for Windows

Wisdom Tree(Paid)

User rating8


Super 3-D Noah's Ark: A Fun and Challenging Animal Control Game

Super 3-D Noah's Ark is an action-packed game by Wisdom Tree that is set on Noah's Ark. In this game, you play as Noah, whose task is to control the restless animals and get them back to their cages. The only tool at your disposal is the food you brought aboard the ark. With 30 levels to complete, you will need to use your wits and strategy to succeed.

The game features 6 feeders and 11 animal varieties, each with unique characteristics that make them more or less challenging to control. The game environment is fully textured, with mapped environments that add to the realism of the game. The game offers a fully-featured in-game map that helps players navigate through the levels.

Super 3-D Noah's Ark is a fast-moving adventure game suitable for all ages. The 20th Anniversary Edition runs natively on modern operating systems and features high-resolution rendering. The improved modern style controls make it easier to play. Players also have the option to play with SNES scale feeders. The game comes with Steam Achievements and Cloud save, and a digital manual with a quiz guide. Additionally, the game includes the original DOS port and is DRM-free.




Super 3-D Noah's Ark for Windows
  • Windows 11
Latest update:
Tuesday, February 6th 2024
Wisdom Tree

Super 3-D Noah's Ark for PC

Wisdom Tree(Paid)

User rating8


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