
Gumtree SA Buy. Sell. Save. APK for Android


Marktplaats BV(Free)

User rating8


Free South African marketplace

Gumtree SA Buy. Sell. Save. is a free marketplace on Android for South Africa where you can sell and buy products. As a member, you can see what other members are selling and contact them on the platform. Unlike Amazon, you’ll buy directly and not on the platform. Other similar apps are OLX Free Classifieds and OnePlus Store.

As a seller, you can place adverts for items to sell or give away for free. It requires contact details from you, which you can hide from other members. If they want to buy your items, you’ll receive a message on the app to initiate a discussion.

Buying items on Gumtree

If you live in South Africa, chances are that you’ve heard of Gumtree at some point in your life. It’s one of the top marketplaces where you can sell and buy items, and some even offer them for free. There are even services advertised on the platform.


Usually, the products are accompanied by images so you can see what you’re buying. The description should also give you an idea of what condition it’s in, but some people deliberately avoid giving too much detail. It’s on you to make a judgment call.

Selling products

One of the benefits of Gumtree SA Buy. Sell. Save. is that businesses can sell and market their products. It helps if you only plan to market them to South African buyers instead of internationally, as you would do on Amazon. The process of advertising a product is easy, and you can quickly upload a gallery of images in a few steps.

Entering negotiations

The final step in buying or selling products on Gumtree SA Buy. Sell. Save. is the negotiation phase. When someone shows an interest, you’ll receive a message in your Inbox on the platform or in your email. You need to be careful not to show your phone or contact details on Gumtree, as it can be used for malicious purposes.

Buying and selling

Gumtree SA Buy. Sell. Save. provides many opportunities in the South African marketplace to make a living if you sell products people need at an affordable price. While it can be good for dropshipping, people usually go there to find deals or free items.

Still, it’s excellent for marketing your services if you’re looking for more clients. You’ll receive messages from anyone that’s interested.



Gumtree SA Buy. Sell. Save. 15.5.0 for Android
  • Android 13.0
Latest update:
Tuesday, November 21st 2023
Marktplaats BV

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Gumtree SA Buy. Sell. Save. APK for Android


Marktplaats BV(Free)

User rating8


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