Escaleras manuales - App Review
Escaleras manuales is an Android app developed by INSHT, which allows users to verify the safety conditions of manual ladders for professional use. The app includes single and extendable support ladders, as well as self-stable and scissor ladders, as per the technical standards UNE-EN 131. Please note that the app does not cover ladders made of insulating material for electrical work, as per the UNE-EN 61478.
Before using a manual ladder for work at heights, it is essential to assess the risks involved and evaluate if there are other safer means of access. This app is limited to use in situations with low risk, such as sporadic and short-lived jobs that don't require physical exertion or manual handling of loads, or cases where the dimensions of the space don't permit the use of other means of access. It's important to note that the meter may not work correctly on some tablets, as per the device manufacturer's instructions.