DiscSender - The Easy Way to Use Discord Webhooks
DiscSender is a free Android app developed by Jeremy Pringle that helps users send messages and embeds to Discord using webhooks. With this app, you can send classic messages or customize them with message embeds. The app also offers light and dark themes, making it easy on the eyes no matter your preference. DiscSender boasts a clean UI and useful features such as savable webhooks and message embeds. Webhooks are the perfect way to send any message you need, and DiscSender makes it easy. Whether you want to make a message look more professional or give the impression it's from a bot, DiscSender can handle it all. Please note that DiscSender uses decimal color codes instead of HEX color codes. Also, it's important to note that DiscSender is not affiliated or endorsed by Discord and is independently owned by Jeremy Pringle.