AM FM Radio Tuner For Free
So you've decided to give AMFM a try by downloading the free version for your smartphone - now comes the tough part, figuring out which one to use. To start with you need to look up compatibility. Some phones like the HTC Wildfire and LG Epic are quite good, so don't hesitate to check that out first. If you're lucky and have an Android phone that is supported by the Android Market then that's a good choice as it's likely that these apps will also work on your Windows Phone.
Now if you're looking for a good free option, there are a couple of options you can consider. As a quick recap, basically there are two methods to go here either you can download an app from the play store or listen directly from your computer. Let's take a closer look at both so you have an idea of which one is going to work best for you. With the apps you can get access to live radio stations and even download and listen to favorite songs while you travel, stay at home with kids, or work from the comfort of your own home.
However, with the apps I mentioned earlier you can also buy a license to use the software on your android device. I don't really recommend this, because the free program I mentioned earlier has been developed by malty Apps, who are the creators of other excellent android apps. By using the free program, you get the ability to play music and radio on your mobile device and this is where the problem lies. The quality of the sound and the variety of songs they have available is not very good and for that reason, it is advisable you purchase the program that the developer has agreed to offer as a free program to use on your android device.