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编辑评论 · 2000年1月1日

JIRA Service Desk is service management software that connects IT to your business through fast, accountable resolution of customer requests. It provides a collaborative yet agile platform that’s low cost, easy to set up and scale, and highly flexible, all with a simple user experience.

JIRA Service Desk is built on the JIRA workflow engine, which is used by more than 22,000 teams worldwide. It offers a modern, flexible service desk experience for both customers and your service desk team.

Of course, not all service desks operate the same way, or have the same needs. That’s why you get to build the process that fits your team on top of JIRA's world-class workflow engine for the most streamlined user experience. You can connect with your environment, integrate with practically anything, and deploy anywhere.

Your service desk software has got to unify the vision and execution of your support and development teams, which is why JIRA is field tested and improved upon by thousands of customers. It makes solving customer requests fast and accountable, while helping your customers help themselves when they can with its self-service knowledge base.

Advanced SLAYou have options when it comes to your service desk software. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather includes customizable queues and an intuitive interface.

Self-Serve Made EasyYour customers rely on your site to meet their needs, and if they don’t, they know your competitors will. The built-in knowledge base and self-service capabilities mean no more waiting around for a service ticket to be addressed by an overburdened team member. At the same time, the automated triage nature of JIRA means crucial issues get addressed first, so you don’t have service problems sitting at the bottom of the pile.

Go AnywhereThis software is available as a hosted solution or on demand, with an easy-to-use mobile interface and unlimited custom fields. For issues that require email, the professional look and feel of those emails means your company’s face comes through, even online.

Full IntegrationJIRA offers your company best practices for service desk software, right practices out of the box. It features advanced security and administration settings while still letting you easily import data from other systems and integrate with flexible REST APIs without holdup.

PricingJIRA Service Desk uses a subscription pricing model. Plans start from $10.00 per month for 3 agents, and there is also a 7 day free trial available (no credit card required). For more than 4 agents, the charge is $20 per agent, per month.

Bottom LineYou don’t have enough hours in the day to waste them on mind-boggling training, so everything about this software is ready ‘out of the box’ to empower your team. Its intuitive customer portal requires no wasted time in learning how to use it, and its real-time reports give you and your team complete visibility.JIRA redefines what IT means to your business, meaning it’s not just about cleaning up the tech messes, but about monitoring your systems and making sure your help desk team is prepared to prevent the fires instead of just put them out. It gives your end users a tailored, engaging service desk experience while easily monitoring and tracking the success of your service desk team.

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