Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade: Anime-Based RPG
"Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade" is a free role-playing game that immerses players in the captivating world of the hit anime series, "Jujutsu Kaisen". The game faithfully follows the anime's storyline, featuring full voice acting from the official voice actors, including Junya Enoki, Yuuma Uchida, Yuichi Nakamura, and Kenjiro Tsuda. Players can experience various character perspectives and utilize unique cursed techniques in battles, reminiscent of the anime's thrilling encounters.
The game excels in delivering high-quality battles where players can exorcize powerful curses with a customized team. With stunning graphics true to the manga and TV series, "Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade" offers a visually immersive experience. Despite being only available in Japanese, the game's engaging mechanics, character development, and strategic gameplay provide a dynamic and captivating experience for fans and newcomers alike.