
WWE Wrestlers Quiz APK for Android



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Free quiz game for Android

WWE Wrestler Quiz is a free quiz game for Android created by RoskiApps. If you love the WWE and want to test how many wrestlers you can name, this is a good way to do it. There is an inherent single-dimensionality to this game, so it may not be one you’ll play again. But whether you want to impress friends or simply see how much you know, WWE Wrestler Quiz is a fun and entertaining game.

If you’re looking for games with a quiz or test component, the Android market has you covered. One of the most popular mobile quiz game formats of all time is the one that requires you to guess logos. To that end, give Quiz: Logo Game a try. If you are looking for an app that lets you set up your own quizzes to share with friends, try Kahoot


WWE Wrestler Quiz has a really simple interface. To be fair, it has all it needs, and a game with such a simple concept doesn’t really need much. At the top of the screen, you have a level indicator, a hamburger menu housing options, and a meter that keeps track of the coins you’ve earned. Below that, you’ll see assorted pictures of various wrestlers

Underneath the pictures, you’ll see broken lines where your answer will appear when you enter one. You’ll also have the option to ask your friends and request hints


The gameplay mechanic is incredibly easy as well. All you need to do is look at the picture and, if you recognise the wrestler, press the letters that make up the wrestler’s name. If you don’t recognise the wrestler, you should be able to guess their name based on the letters you are presented with. It’s a simple process of elimination

For each level you pass, you’ll receive a certain amount of coins. You can then use these coins to pay for hints if you don’t know the name of a particular wrestler. 

Does its job

WWE Wrestler Quiz does exactly what you expect it to do, and nothing more. Luckily, with a game like this, there’s not much more that you need. This game is perfect for testing your mental acuity and memory after binging a few seasons of WWE. 

You can see how much you know compared to your friends. The results may shock you.


WWE Wrestlers Quiz 10.14.2 for Android
  • Android 13.0
Latest update:
Friday, June 7th 2024
Download options:

WWE Wrestlers Quiz APK for Android



User rating8


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