功能包括:- 本地敏捷能力
- 客户门户
- 实时里程碑和财务可视性
- 时间和进度日志
- 资源规划
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Microsoft Project是通过Microsoft Office 365交付的用于项目管理的灵活工具。它是一种全面的项目管理解决方案,专门为从SMB到大型公司的各种规模的企业而设计。 Microsoft Project使企业可以开始,管理项目组合投资,然后按时,按价值成功交付项目。 Microsoft Project为您的企业提供了一种功能强大,视觉增强的方法,可以有效地管理各种项目和程序。 从满足重要的截止日期到选择正确的资源,Microsoft Project提供了新的直观方法来计划,与各个个人和团队进行协作以及成功地管理项目。例如,Microsoft Project的一项值得注意的功能是能够轻松地将项目信息复制到Office应用程序(如PowerPoint)并将重要数据保存到Office 365或SharePoint中。 Microsoft Project的一项关键功能是能够在其中途添加新任务或修改项目的组织。如您所知,因为目标职位可以(并且经常)在项目期间进行更改。 Microsoft Project使您能够确定任务的优先级,并可以从任何地方有效地管理您的项目,从而使您高效有效地工作。 Microsoft Project还附带了项目预算工具,可以帮助您估算项目整个范围的成本。借助用于项目计划的工具,您可以定义任务并将其分配给各个团队,并具有跟踪任务的能力,您将始终有一个明确的优势,可以监督项目。 报告中 使用Microsoft Project,您可以直接从平台创建大量的报告和分析。这些功能与Microsoft Excel和Microsoft Word的功能非常相似,因此许多用户会熟悉它们。 多语言 Microsoft Project支持以下语言:阿拉伯语,中文(简体),中文(繁体),丹麦语,荷兰语,英语,法语,德语,希伯来语,意大利语,日语,韩语,葡萄牙语,俄语和西班牙语 价钱 Microsoft Project使用订阅定价模型,其中包含可应Microsoft要求提供的计划和定价。还有一个免费试用版(不需要信用卡)。 底线 Microsoft Project通过为个人,团队和企业提供量身定制的工作管理解决方案,提供了灵活性和选择余地。借助交互式仪表板和报告功能,项目经理可以准备有洞察力的报告,并就诸如时标和人员配备等关键问题做出行政决策。 Microsoft Project可以在内部部署也可以在云中部署。基于Web的版本的优势在于,它允许项目经理使用智能手机和移动设备与其团队进行远程协作。 总体而言,Microsoft Project非常直观,并且在复杂性和可用性之间取得了很好的平衡。它用于各种行业,包括政府,制造,建筑,制药,零售,金融和医疗保健服务。
Zoho Projects is a feature-rich project management solution that has an good array of collaboration tools, coupled with useful bug tracking utilities. The platform is packed with functions that improve team collaboration, making project monitoring an easy affair. It is able to provide users with a multifaceted view of a project, as it happens in real-time. Zoho Projects can be used by a varied range of businesses and is especially suited for SMBs. The bug tracking features make it particularly relevant to the software development industry. Interactive Forums A great feature of Zoho Projects are the interactive forums. Within the confines of Zoho Project’s interactive forums, users are able to post topics, discuss important ideas, and share knowledge. Users are able to upload images or links as well as text to discussions. When you post a new topic in a forum, Zoho Projects will notify any team members who may be interested. The forums are organized into categories, and users can watch specific topics, which are applicable by using Zoho Projects’ 'watch a topic' feature. Gantt Charts Gantt charts are a superb way to give teams a visualized representation of a project. Whether that be by means of task progression, list progression, or individually reached milestones within a project. Zoho Projects’ Gantt view has two charts to choose from; Chronology charts and Milestone charts. The Chronology charts present tasks sequentially, whilst the Milestone chart shows a users’ milestones, the task lists those milestones contain, and any related tasks. Editing any part of a task, for instance the start or end date, or moving a whole task for that matter, is very straightforward; a user simply needs to drag a bar to the appropriate space. Task dependancies can also be set and filters can be added to Gantt charts based on set criteria. The link between tasks and Gantt charts are seamless; as you manually update a task's completion level, the Gantt chart will also update automatically. Pricing Zoho Projects uses a freemium/subscription pricing model with a free trial available (no credit card required). Plans start from $20 per month for the Express plan. The next tier is the Premium plan, which is charged at $35 per month. The Enterprise plan is directed towards larger teams and is priced at $80 per month. Bottom Line Zoho Projects is a really well designed solution to project management. Managers can get a complete overview of events as they occur in real-time, or have the ability to drill down to track the progress of individual tasks. With Zoho Projects, teams have the ability to collaborate how they see fit, utilizing various tools such as interactive forums in order to work together in a more productive way. Zoho Projects has a simple user interface for creating projects. It allows you to set up tasks by project or by milestone within a project. You can also set up predecessor tasks and dependency tasks. With calendar views, team chat features and a great selection of third party integrations, Zoho Projects is a great platform to consider if you run a SMB.
Project Insight是有用的在线项目管理工具,可在您的业务的每个阶段提供洞察力。无论您是从一些基本功能开始还是实现集中式业务中心,它都适合任何团队和项目规模。 不仅是工作流工具,借助Project Insight,您还将拥有完成工作所需的所有工具。它包含大量功能,因此您可以真正自定义Project Insight,以最有效地满足您的特定业务需求。管理项目组合,通讯,文档和资源,以有效地预算和规划项目的各个方面,所有这些都集中在一处。 更有效地管理时间 使用Project Insight可以将花费数小时的时间用于复杂的项目计划。使用高级工具,可以轻松地计划,预算,管理和执行所有业务项目。轻松创建详细,灵活的甘特图,确定项目的优先级,并使用智能计划来确保您的团队的时间被充分利用。 高效的团队合作 Project Insight也非常适合跨团队和团队成员进行协作。项目请求和分配变得更快,更容易,并且与特定任务或项目有关的所有通信都可以保存在一个地方。您还可以简化和集中批准流程,以使流程更好。 价钱 Project Insight有一个免费计划和两个付费计划供您选择。 PI#team计划是永久免费的,可无限使用,并具有基本功能。 PI#商业计划提供核心功能和附加组件,可按月或按年支付,每位高级用户每月45美元(最少5位高级用户),其他团队成员每人20英镑。 PI#enterprise计划包括所有功能和附加组件以及一对一支持。它每年支付一次,每个高级用户每月65美元(最少5个高级用户),其他团队成员30美元。 底线 总体而言,Project Insight是一个高度可定制和适应性强的项目管理工具。它不仅仅是工作流工具,还使您可以在一个空间中管理项目的多个方面。 与类似的软件相比,Project Insight包括许多其他有用的功能,而这些功能在某些替代产品中是缺少的。它的价格更高一些,但是考虑到其中包括的所有其他功能,它仍然物有所值。它还允许与大量出色的业务应用程序集成,因此您可以轻松地同步所有服务以提高效率。
RingCentral是一种云电话系统,可以安全地为您的企业提供高质量的语音,传真,文本和会议。无论公司的规模,预算,位置或员工使用的设备如何。使用RingCentral,您可以将IP台式电话和PC连接到Internet连接,然后在员工的智能手机上安装RingCentral Mobile App。正是这些端点与RingCentral云平台进行通信,以实现跨您所有办公室位置的无缝通信系统。 RingCentral的云通信解决方案非常易于管理,更不用说比标准的本地PBX电话系统更加灵活。无论您的业务性质如何,RingCentral都能通过台式电话,智能手机/平板电脑和软电话帮助您在多个位置保持联系。 从当前系统迁移到RingCentral的云电话系统是一个快速而直接的过程。 RingCentral实施专家将为您管理过渡,因此将照顾您所有的办公室位置和远程工作的员工。客户代表可以承担转移现有电话号码,订购新线路或从本地,免费电话和虚荣电话号码中进行选择的后勤工作,从而使您可以继续进行最重要的事情;你的事。 灵活性 RingCentral为您提供了一个灵活的通信平台,可以适应您的业务需求。 RingCentral的系统是一个强大的解决方案,可以随着您的业务增长和扩展轻松扩展。您可以使用智能设备或通过网络在任意位置设置,管理和访问通信。 RingCentral利用独特的点击/点击界面,该界面易于操作,从而减少了IT工作量,并提高了生产率。 RingCentral的智能协作将使您的员工比以往任何时候都更有能力共享文件,管理项目以及跨整个企业进行协作。 呼叫管理 RingCentral的商务电话系统可完全自定义以满足您的需求。当客户与您的企业联系时,您希望他们体验专业和个性化的服务。 RingCentral的云电话系统的高级呼叫管理功能意味着您的团队将为整个团队提供清晰一致的服务。首次登录时,在线向导将引导您完成用户设置和基本电话系统设置。然后,您可以继续设置服务,例如呼叫应答规则,呼叫转移,呼叫日志和消息警报。还有一些非常有用的功能,例如未接来电通知和自动通话录音。 集成和移动性 RingCentral为您提供了集成的语音,传真和文本服务。基于云的办公电话系统可让您在需要时工作。由于iOS®和Android™的RingCentral Mobile Apps几乎提供了所有管理功能,因此您永远不会束手无策。 RingCentral允许与您日常依赖的其他云业务应用程序无缝集成,包括MicrosoftOutlook®,Box,Dropbox和Google云端硬盘。它还与Oracle®Sales Cloud,Salesforce®,Zendesk®和Office 365™的服务很好地集成在一起。这些集成和受支持的服务意味着您将保持联系并保持生产力。 定价 RingCentral运行订阅定价模式,服务起价为每月19.99美元,并提供免费试用(无需信用卡),让您放心试用其服务。 RingCentral Office™服务的价格为每位用户19.99美元起,RingCentral Professional™服务的价格为每位用户9.99美元起。 底线 RingCentral是自由职业者,大型企业,非营利组织,公共管理部门和小型企业的关键解决方案。提供通信服务的成本仅为过时的PBX硬件的一小部分,因为它支持来自所有主要平台的设备,包括iOS®,Android™Windows Phone和Mac OS / WindowsOS,并与其他云业务无缝集成应用程序,RingCentral是涵盖所有基础的完整的云电话解决方案。
AceProject is a web-based project tracking solution, which lets you manage end to end projects. It has a selection of superb project management tools that are accessible within one simple, streamlined app, which has been optimized for task management. AceProject is a total project management solution for all manner of users; individuals, teams and large firms. It lets you take total control over workflows and is capable of encompassing all types of projects with the various tools and features that are on offer. Time Tracking With AceProject, you can record and track time across all your projects. This can be done either by making use of the built-in timer or you can manually enter any worked hours. Time can be designated as either billable or non-billable, and is recorded onto weekly time-sheets, which each employee submits for review and approval. As soon as a time-sheet is approved, it may be used to generate time reports. These are personal time reports, individual project time reports, and multiple-project time reports. Project Templates A useful feature of AceProject is that it allows you to create project templates. These can be made from scratch or from pre-existing projects. Template are great time savers, because all of the template’s task groups, types, priorities, dependencies, and statuses are then automatically copied. Templates can be either dynamic or static; dynamic project templates can be used as live projects, while static templates may only be used as a template. Pricing AceProject uses a freemium, subscription pricing model. It also has a free trial that is available with no credit card required. Plans start with a free Basic plan, which is good for 5 users, 50 tasks, 2 projects and 250 MB of online storage. Next up is the Standard plan, costing $19 per month, followed by the Advanced plan at $39 per month. The next two plans are Silver charged at $59 per month, and the Gold plan charged at $99 per month. With each plan you can have up to a specific number of users and is not priced per user. If you need to change your plan, either upwards or downwards, then this can be undertaken at any time you need. Bottom Line AceProject is a ‘Jack of all trades’ solution that can be implemented in numerous environments for a variety of different users. It has a great set of tools for project managers who want to successfully plan, monitor and implement their work. In comparison to similar software, AceProject is a feature-rich web-based project management app, which is simple and easy-to-use. That having been said, the interface can be tricky to navigate, particularly if you are not used to this type of platform. Unfortunately, another notable downside to AceProject is the lack of integrations with other services such as Google Drive, Salesforce or Quickbooks. This is a shame as for the rest of AceProject, it is quite a solid solution and can be utilized by small-to-medium sized businesses, who can take advantage of the powerful features and affordable pricing structure.
Workfront是一款功能强大的强大项目管理应用程序,也可以用作企业级工作管理平台。它旨在专门满足企业级组织的需求,并为用户提供了多种工具和功能。 WorkFront非常适合需要集中放置人员,项目,请求和资源的大型组织。它具有用于仪表板和报告的强大自定义选项,同时功能强大到可以提供可能需要的任何分析数据。 资源管理 Workfront的智能分配功能是一个出色的资源管理工具,可以自动建议最适合特定任务的员工。这是经理们快速平衡各个员工或团队工作量的绝佳方式。经理可以在分配任何新工作负载之前查看每个员工的日程安排。 管理人员能够使用特定技能和完成任务所需的可用时间来填充任务。有了这些数据,Workfront使用复杂的算法来快速确定最适合该任务的人员。 敏捷项目管理 Workfront的敏捷项目管理模块融合了敏捷方法论的优势,同时消除了任何可能阻碍生产性工作流程的沟通障碍。 Workfront以统一的方式支持敏捷实践和Waterfall方法。这真的很有用,因为Workfront可以满足敏捷开发团队的流程需求以及那些设计基于里程碑的项目的数据需求。 应用程序和集成 Workfront拥有适用于iOS和Android的移动应用程序,可帮助团队成员保持联系,无论他们身在何处。 Workfront利用开放的API,因此,该平台可以与其他应用程序和服务连接。这对于企业组织来说确实有用,因为他们可以利用Workfront并使它与所需的其他工具一起使用。 价钱 Workfront使用订阅定价模型并提供免费试用版(不需要信用卡)。 Workfront计划的起步价为每位用户每月30美元。有两种主要的许可证类型可供选择:计划许可证,其具有用于项目经理和资源经理的高级功能;以及工作许可证,其具有用于团队成员和个人贡献者的功能。 底线 Workfront是为具有大型结构的大型组织设计的。借助同时支持项目管理和工作管理的工具,如果您需要针对不同类型员工的可自定义在线工作区,则Workfront的权限级别非常出色。定价结构与其他服务类似,后者按月向每个用户收费,但是,如果您的企业规模较小且需求较少,则可以通过选择月租费固定的项目管理平台来节省资金。
Buildertrend是面向建筑专业人士的出色的多合一软件解决方案。它将您的整个建筑世界整合到一个中央云系统中,该系统专门为定制建筑商,重塑商和专业承包商设计。它包括用于售前流程,项目管理,财务管理和客户管理的工具,这些工具集中在一个地方。 项目管理 Buildertrend旨在改善您的建设项目管理流程,为您提供许多有用的工具以进行组织。每日日志,待办事项和计划工具可帮助您高效轻松地管理团队的时间。消息传递以及文档和照片共享功能可帮助您将所有项目文档保持在一起,从而仅允许需要的人员访问。 Buildertrend还包括用于打孔清单,保修请求和计划加价的工具。 金融工具借助Buildertrend的财务工具,您可以改善流程,进而提高利润。财务工具包括计划,跟踪和接受付款请求,以及能够轻松,动态地管理采购订单和更改订单的功能。它还包括预算工具,移动进出时钟和与记帐软件的集成,以使您的所有财务状况保持一致。 用户管理 CRM在每项业务中都扮演着角色,最好的承包商了解满意客户的推荐力,因此Buildertrend可以帮助您实现这一目标。创建自定义的登录页面和令人印象深刻的销售演示文稿,以帮助吸引客户,并使他们在您的网站上留下客户评论。您还可以管理选择并保持工作按计划进行,轻松发送和分析调查以获取客户反馈,并保持与客户沟通的最前沿。 价钱 Buildertrend使用基于报价的价格来反映您的业务和项目需求。一个项目的价格从每月99美元起,并且无限制的用户,潜在客户和提案,文件存储以及培训课程和支持。您添加的工作越多,每个项目的价格就会越便宜,并且您可以立即开始使用不受限制的项目和30天的退款保证。 底线总体而言,Buildertrend是一款全面的施工管理软件。它使用基于云的中央控制台,该控制台可随时通过任何设备进行访问,从而帮助保持每个人的连接并改善您的施工管理流程。它还带有无限的支持和培训,网站上有一堆免费的教程视频,可让您在自己的时间内快速轻松地启动并运行。
dapulse is a simple and colorful way to easily organize your work. It combines project management and communication tools into a single easy-to-use interface. The platform has been designed to facilitate real time collaboration by making all aspects of tasks, owners, due dates, and statuses transparent. Due to this, dapulse gives people the ability to work in a unified manner across different areas, by allowing clear communication with employees from different branches and locations, with no hindrances. dapulse is built around rows of items called Pulses. Each Pulse can represent anything you like, but usually a project or a specific task. Pulses are stacked into different, customizable sections on each board. These boards can then be organised into areas such as weekly tasks etc. Pulses can be edited accordingly, so if you are unable to complete a specific task, then you can drag it into another stack to be completed at a later date. Integration and apps With dapulse you are provided with numerous integration options straight out of the box, such as connecting to Google Drive, Dropbox and Google Calendar. dapulse also supports Zapier, for connecting different services using IFTTT-style rules. If you need to, dapulse also has an API to enable you to build your own tools. As you would expect, dapulse has apps for iOS, Android, RIM-BlackBerry, and Windows Phone. Like its Web counterpart, the mobile app is extremely smooth and responsive. You can access all of your boards via the mobile versions of the app, and you can do almost anything that you can do from the desktop version in the mobile app as well. The only drawback is you cannot add a status note to individual status columns. Status columns Status columns are a very important component of dapulse. As a Pulse progresses, you can select a different block of color and text to reflect the current status. Green is set as the default for completed. You can also select any color and add custom text as well. A great feature of dapulse is the ability to also open a threaded conversation in the corner of each status box, to provide even more context about a particular stage. Pricing dapulse uses a subscription pricing model and offers a free trial, with no credit card details required. The pricing structure is scalable and operates according to the size of your workforce. It starts at a cost of $20 per month with an 18% discount if a yearly subscription plan is taken out, and 32% for a two year package. Bottom Line dapulse is ideally for SMB’s and freelancers. It has a beautiful, responsive interface and is really simple to use, and it provides excellent tutorials. However, it is a tad light on collaboration and scheduling tools.
Base CRM is a cloud-based sales and contact management solution, which enables sales teams to become more effective, productive and therefore close more deals. It uses integrated sales productivity tools for sales reps and advanced visual reporting for sales managers. The platform uses an intuitive and user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, which affords sales professionals full visibility into intricacies of their sales pipelines, in order to create, track and manage achievable goals for individual reps and sales teams. Base Workflow Automation Employing workflow automations produces numerous benefits, including reducing employee errors, empowering employees to manage tasks with minimal supervision, and being able to complete more tasks, more efficiently. With Base CRM, the user can call directly from the web app, where the calls are automatically logged for future reviewing. This data is then included for reports, in order to measure both individual and team performance. Base Mobility As more sales professionals are relying on their smartphones and tablet devices to work with whilst away from the office, the need for a feature rich mobile CRM is ever more in demand, and Base CRM provides such a service.* Base CRM has an integrated mobile map feature, called Base Geolocation, which allows users to see where contacts, leads and deals are on a geographical map. This allows users to schedule more efficient and less time-consuming customer visits, and calculate if additional sales reps need to be assigned to a specific area. The app also comes with handy one-touch driving directions to make it easier to schedule business trips. *Base CRM has native apps available for iOS, Windows Phone and Android powered devices. Integrations Base CRM has native integrations with apps and services such as Dropbox, Facebook, Google Apps, Harvest, LinkedIn, MailChimp, Outlook, Quote Roller, and Xero. There is also an open API client, which is able to integrate with any third-party app. Pricing Base CRM uses a subscription pricing model, with plans starting from $25.00 per seat, per month for the Starter plan, rising to $125 per seat, per month for the Enterprise plan. There is a free 14-day trial available (no credit card required). The Start plan includes premium integrations, email automation, native mobile apps, geolocation, Base Voice, and call recording. The Professional plan offers all Starter features plus document repository, task automation, sales forecasting, and advanced sales insights. Finally, the Enterprise plan has all the Professional features, plus additions such as call analytics and reporting, phone auto dialer, call scripts, teams and user-based permissions, and lead and deal scoring. Bottom Line Base CRM is a multifunctional account management and sales productivity tool that offers a sturdy cloud-based CRM solution that encompasses a whole catalogue of features, including contact and lead management, sales tracking and reporting, pipeline analysis, email and workflow automation, sales performance analysis, sales goals creation, advanced sales insights, and data management. With an intuitive and user friendly interface, mobile apps for iOS, Android and Windows Phone, and an array of integrations with sought-after apps and services, you can see why numerous organizations use Base CRM.
nTask Manager is a workflow management tool created by nTask and designed to increase project productivity and aid team collaboration. Centralise all your team's tasks and manage everything in a single board. Add tasks to boards, estimate timings, costs, and assign them to a workers. Once your project is finished, details can be viewed and charted. It has great customization options for dashboards and reports and at the same time is powerful enough to provide any analytical data that may be required. Features Include: Gantt Charts Time Tracking Define Project Issues Define Project Risks Plan Project Budgets Risk Analytics Cost Estimates Assign Tasks Meeting Agendas Calendar Integration Activity Log Task Views Overall, nTask Manager is a powerful team collaboration and workflow manager that is easy to use and provides useful productivity insights that are sure to increase productivity.
Nutcache is a solid project management and invoicing solution that opens up a cloud-based billing service to freelancers and small to medium sized businesses. Nutcache lets you manage any project you may have, from creation to completion. It has numerous tools and features that give you clear control over your work, such as expense management and real time reporting. As Nutcache encompasses all aspects of project management, it will help you and your team work smarter as well as faster. Expense Management Nutcache comes complete with expense management tools that help you record your expenses online. These tools let you log, track and invoice your project expenses easily and effortlessly. Time Tracking With Nutcache, you can manage all of your projects efficiently by keeping track of all your various projects in one place. Nutcache allows you to log all your employees’ hours for various projects, so that you can bill your clients accordingly. Not only is the time tracking functions second to none with Nutcache, but you can also keep track how your project is advancing. Whether that be tracking hours on specific assignments, or ensuring deadlines are met in a timely manner. A great feature of Nutcache is the ability to run multiple timers on numerous different tasks, as you work. In this way you can accurately account for your time. Invoicing Nutcache lets you create professional estimates and invoices that feature your own company logo. There are no limits placed on the number of estimates and invoices you are able to send. Nutcache's invoice generator has major integrated payment gateways that lets you get paid in a timely manner. All estimates for work to be undertaken can be send electronically. When the client approves the estimate online, the system can create an invoice from that approved estimate. As soon as the work has been completed, you can send the invoice via e-mail. The invoice tracking system will then inform you when a client displays their invoice. this ensures a more rapid payment cycle. Pricing Nutcache uses a freemium subscription pricing model, with a free 30 day trial of the Pro and Enterprise plans, with no credit card details required. The pricing structure starts from $5 per user per month for the Pro plan and $12 per user per month for the Enterprise plan. If you opt for the free version of the service then you are limited to a maximum of 20 users per month. This free option does, however, come with 1 GB storage, project management tools, time tracking features, collaboration tools, expense management, and invoicing tools. Bottom Line Although there may be more comprehensive solutions available on the market, those apps usually come bundled with high monthly fees. Nutcache is a great product for sole traders and small to medium sized businesses of all types.