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AVG AntiVirus FREE is AVG’s brand new product for ensuring your safety and security online. It is powerful, feature rich, and has a newly designed, fresh looking interface.

AVG AntiVirus FREE is once-again a powerhouse of an antivirus. This essential security suite will protect your computer against viruses, worms, trojans, root-kits, and other spyware when browsing online or checking your email.

AVG AntiVirus FREE is designed for those that want the best security, without the hassle and complications that come from more advanced tools available on the market.

AVG AntiVirus FREE is able to block infected links as you browse, checks files before you download them, and help you protect your personal data online and on your PC with an solid set of privacy features.

Key features include:

  • Computer Protection:Real-time protection helps keep your computer free of malware, including viruses, spyware, ransomware, rootkits, and Trojans. It uses advanced AI and real-time analysis tools to stop threats from ever reaching you.
  • Web and Email Protection:Block any unsafe links, downloads, and email attachments.

AVG AntiVirus FREE has a fresh, clean design with an intuitive feel to it. It does not come with a solid firewall, however, as this is included in the more advanced suite, AVG Internet Security–Unlimited.

The great thing about AVG AntiVirus FREE is that whenever the suite encounters an unknown threat, AVG then quickly analyze it, creates a cure and then pushes it out to millions of users, so everyone is better protected. All security updates are automatically pushed to you, along with any new features, to always keep you as up-to-date as possible.

Overall, AVG AntiVirus FREE has a low impact on system resources, it has an intuitive feel to it and it is easy to use with a simplified design. This coupled with free online support, and a robust cloud-based threat detection method, makes AVG AntiVirus FREE a good overall security suite to have installed on your system. If you are looking for a simple antivirus, which packs a powerful punch and won’t slow you down your system, then you can’t go far wrong with AVG AntiVirus FREE.

Why not check out some more malware and virus protection software for Windows by AVG?

AVG AntiVirus FREE的放大图片
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下载 AVG AntiVirus FREE 24.1.8821 Windows
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 11
  • 德语
  • 英语
  • 西班牙语
  • 法语
  • 意大利语
  • 日语
  • 波兰语
  • 中文
  • 阿拉伯语
  • 捷克语
  • 丹麦语
  • 希腊语
  • 芬兰语
  • 韩语
  • 挪威语
  • 荷兰语
  • 葡萄牙语
  • 俄语
  • 土耳其语
  • 瑞典语
AVG Technologies



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