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- tdp-setup-filehippo.exe
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始终置顶 - 适用于Windows 10的实用工具 & 工具
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free可以从硬盘驱动器中恢复已删除,格式化或无法访问的数据。您可以从Windows笔记本电脑和台式机恢复文档,照片,音乐,视频,电子邮件,文件夹和存档文件等。该应用程序还支持多种存储设备,包括外部硬盘驱动器,USB驱动器,SD卡,存储卡,数码相机和MP3 / MP4播放器等。 主要功能包括: 支持所有类型的丢失文件,包括照片,文档,视频,音频,电子邮件,档案等。 恢复已删除,格式化或无法访问的数据。 从已删除的卷和分区中恢复丢失的数据。 从Windows笔记本,台式机,Windows服务器,硬盘驱动器,USB驱动器,SD卡,存储卡和数码相机中恢复丢失的数据。 支持RAW恢复。 支持Windows 10。 该应用程序具有新颖,外观现代的界面,易于浏览。启动时,它会询问您要恢复哪种类型的文件?您可以选择各种选项,包括图形,音频,电子邮件,文档,视频,存档和其他。只需选择所需的文件类型,然后单击下一步。下一个屏幕显示已连接的驱动器和存储介质等。您可以在此处执行扫描以恢复数据。扫描后,如果未显示您请求的数据,则可以进行深度扫描以重试。如果确实找到它,则必须选择将其导出到另一个存储区域。 总体而言,EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free是一个有用的工具,可以执行真正有用的服务。如果您曾经遇到过“丢失”数据的情况,那么这样的解决方案将是无价之宝。由于这是免费软件,所以您绝对不会错!我们唯一可以看到的缺点是2GB总恢复限额的限制,但是除此之外,EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free是每个人都应该尝试的一流灾难恢复解决方案。 支持的语言包括:英语,德语,日语,法语,巴西葡萄牙语,西班牙语,意大利语,荷兰语,中文(繁体),中文(简体),瑞典语,丹麦语,俄语,挪威语,波兰语,匈牙利语,阿拉伯语,土耳其语,韩语和印度尼西亚语。
The Winstep Nexus Dock is a FREE professional dock for Windows. With Nexus, your most frequently used applications are only a mouse click away - and Nexus turns working with your computer into a fun and exciting experience. The Nexus dock provides one-click access to frequently used applications, folders and documents. Main features: Display running applications on the dock with task grouping, filtering and icon customization options. Display system tray on the dock as single or grouped icons. Blur-Behind and colorization of dock backgrounds. Monitor active connections and bandwidth usage with Net Meter module. Get weather forecast for over 39,000 cities world-wide. Multiple mouse over effects: zoom, swing, bounce and more! Live icon reflections and animated water-like effects for reflections and dock backgrounds. Easily change appearance of icons of running programs and shortcuts by drag & dropping PNG, ICO and TIF files directly into the icon. Multi-monitor support. Compatible with skins for all 3rd party docks.
LINE allows you to share photos, videos, voice messages, contacts and your location information easily with your friends. You can get the latest news and special coupons for popular artists, celebrities,brands and TV shows. With LINE you can exchange free instant messages with friends whenever and wherever you like, with one-on-one messaging and group chats. LINE is available on all popular smartphone devices:iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry and even on your PC. KEY FEATURES INCLUDE LINE Stickers: More fun and expressive chats, with over 10,000 stickers and emoticons. Timeline:Use Timeline to share texts, photos,videos, and stickers to exchange stories with your close friends. Snap Movie:Create top quality videos in just 10 seconds! You can add cool background music and share with friends. Add friends easily: Quickly add friends using the "Shake It!" function, a QR code, or a LINE ID. Looking for the Mac version of Line? Download it here.
7-Data Recovery Suite Free
7-Data Recovery Suite Free是一款小型轻巧的数据恢复应用程序,能够从硬盘,存储卡和闪存驱动器中恢复数据,无论这些数据是丢失还是删除的照片,文件或分区中的数据。 7-Data Recovery Suite Free是一个完整的数据恢复解决方案,可在几乎任何情况下救援文件,包括意外删除的文件,损坏或格式化的硬盘,丢失/删除的分区,从本地驱动器,存储卡或相机丢失的照片或视频。它甚至可以恢复从移动设备丢失的数据。 主要功能包括: 从本地驱动器和移动存储设备中恢复数据**。 恢复文档,电子邮件,照片,视频,音频文件等。 免费版可免费恢复1 GB数据。 7-Data Recovery Suite Free是一个方便的应用程序,已藏在您的武器库中。界面干净,尽管有些陈旧,并且易于通过简单的按钮样式菜单系统使用。您只需选择要进行的恢复类型即可;完成恢复,删除恢复,数字媒体恢复,丢失分区恢复或Android恢复,然后按照简单说明进行操作。 *支持Android OS设备。 **支持的存储设备包括:DE HDD,SATA HDD,SCSI HDD,FireWire HDD,SSD,USB HDD,外部HDD,硬件RAID,软盘驱动器,USB闪存驱动器,紧凑型闪存卡,安全数字卡,存储卡/存储棒,微型卡,Zip驱动器和iPod。
Privacy Protector for Windows 10
众所周知,Microsoft最新的操作系统Windows 10使用Windows 7、8和8.1来收集有关其用户的惊人信息,以随新发布的Windows Update的趋势而发展。 Windows 10的Privacy Protector可以删除Windows 10的遥测和数据收集系统的某些元素,而其他数据收集方法只是被禁用。通过此有用的工具,用户*可以自行决定是否选择服务,以消除特定的Windows 10隐私问题。 主要功能包括: 删除或禁用遥测。 清除并禁用DiagTrack日志。 禁用键盘记录器,防止从键盘上键入的字符收集数据。 禁用Windows Defender。 禁用Cortana,以防止从麦克风和网络摄像头收集数据。 禁用Windows Update,从而允许您阻止不需要的更新。 有选择地回滚某些Windows更新以启用跟踪功能(适用于Windows 10、8.1、8和Windows 7)。 在Microsoft Office 2016中禁用某些遥测和跟踪模块。 (可选)阻止Microsoft Office更新。 允许重新安装Windows 7-8 Picture Viewer。 使用户能够卸载OneDrive。 启用禁用Bing搜索。 您可以使用此多合一工具缓解Windows 10隐私问题! Windows 10的隐私保护器可帮助您完全控制Windows 10、8.1、8和Windows 7对您的了解。通过使用此工具**,您可以限制所收集的有关您的数据量。 *用户可以自行决定是否选择服务,以消除特定的Windows 10隐私问题。 ** Windows 10的Privacy Protector始终在建立任何更改之前创建系统还原点。
7-Data Card Recovery
7数据卡恢复是一种有效的工具,可以从各种类型的存储卡(包括SD卡,MicroSD,SDHC,CF(紧凑闪存)卡,xD图片卡和存储棒)中恢复丢失,删除,损坏或格式化的照片,视频,文件。 支持的卡类型包括: 安全数字卡,SD卡,SDHC,miniSD,MicroSD(TransFlash)卡。 CF卡,CF Type I,Type II,MicroDrive,CF卡。 Memory Stick,Memory Stick Pro,Duo,Pro-HG,XC,Micro(M2)。 多媒体卡,MMC卡。 SmartMedia,闪存卡,xD图片卡。 手机,手机存储卡和数字媒体恢复。 Android智能手机使用的MicroSD或MicroSDHC卡。 USB闪存盘数字图像。 支持的图像文件类型包括: 3d Studio Max文件(.max),ANI文件(.ani),Adobe Illustrator文件(.ai)。 位图文件(.bmp),COREL绘制文件(.cdr),Corel绘制Corel RAVE图像文件(.clk)。 Corel Draw矢量图像文件(.cmx),佳能Raw图形文件(.crw)。 光标文件(.cur),AutoCAD工程图文件(.dwg),AutoCad DX文件(.dxf)。 增强型图元文件(.emf),封装的脚本文件(.eps)。 写意10文件(.fh11),GIF图形文件(.gif),图标文件(.ico)。 JPEG图形文件(.jpg.jpeg),可移植网络图形文件(.png)。 Adobe Photoshop文件(.psd),Paint Shop Pro文件(.psp),Q uattroPro 7文件(.qpw)。 Corel演示文件(.shw),标记图像文件(.tif)。 支持的视频文件格式包括: 3GP多媒体文件(.3gp),音频流格式文件(.asf),AU文件(.au)。 音频视频交织文件(.avi),乐器数字接口文件(.mid)。 MOV多媒体文件(.mov),MP3音乐文件(.mp3),MP4多媒体文件(.mp4),ShockWave Flash文件(.swf)。 WAVE多媒体文件(.wav),WMF多媒体文件(.wmf)。 如果您需要从几乎所有类型的卡中恢复几乎所有类型的数据,则7-Data Card Recovery是一款轻巧的工具,具有简单的用户界面,即使是新手用户也可以理解。
Adobe Flash Player
Adobe Flash Player is the high performance, lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences across major operating systems, browsers, and mobile devices. Adobe Flash Player is the choice of both individuals and organizations when it comes to a highly powerful and extremely adaptable multi-platform client runtime. Flash has many new features and continues to be the ubiquitous Web standard; this software is included with all major Web browsers. Adobe Flash Player supports several data formats including AMF, SWF, XML and JSON. The multimedia formats which are supported by Flash Player include .MP3, .FLV, .JPEG, .GIF, .PNG and .RTMP. Other supported features include accelerated graphics rendering, multi-thread video decoding and webcam support for StageVideo. Adobe Flash Player also enables greater privacy controls, utilizing protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS). Key features include: Advanced compression technology and multi-threaded video decoding provides High-quality, Low bandwidth video. Crisp artistic text, utilising an advanced text rendering engine. Stage 3D accelerated graphics rendering. Engaging Flash video, content and applications with full screen mode. Real-time dynamic effects consisting of numerous filters for Bevel, Glow, DropShadow, Blur, Displacement Map, Color Matrix, Convolution, Gradient Glow and Gradient Bevel. Blend modes, stroke enhancement and radial gradient. The versatility of Adobe Flash player is second to none, with animations that can incorporate both text and vector graphics. These animations typically do not take up large amounts of disk space and the contents of Flash animations can also be compressed to reduce their file sizes further. Adobe Flash Player is available across all major operating systems, tablets, smart phones and browsers, and it can deliver high quality digital content via a powerhouse package.
iTop Data Recovery
Java Runtime Environment 64-bit
Java软件允许您运行以Java编程语言编写的称为“小程序”的应用程序。这些小程序使您比单纯地与静态HTML页面进行交互具有更丰富的在线体验。 Java插件技术是Java 2 Runtime Environment标准版(JRE)的一部分,可在流行的浏览器和Java平台之间建立连接。 Java允许应用程序通过网络下载并在受保护的沙箱中运行。沙盒上很容易施加安全限制。 许多跨平台应用程序也需要Java才能正常运行。
Aqua Data Studio
Wise Data Recovery
Wise Data Recovery is a small, lightweight app that can recover accidentally deleted files from your computer. It has a simple and clean interface that allows you to select the drive to be scanned, and then perform searches based on keywords or different criteria, whether that be an image, audio, or video files, documents, compressed files, or email items. Wise Data Recovery is able to undertake and complete scanning processes in very short periods of time due to advanced algorithms. If you choose, you can also select recovery file types or enter keywords before scanning to narrow down search results. Wise Data Recovery also analyzes the possibility of recovering your lost files and provides you with details about their recoverability, before you decide to start the recovery process. Overall, Wise Data Recovery has an intuitive interface that is very simple to use. Recovering and deleting files takes hardly any effort and can be accomplished very quickly.