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Vivaldi for Mac is a new, feature rich web browser that combines an Opera-like interface with a Chromium open-source platform. Vivaldi for Mac is very similar to the Opera browser in many ways.
Soundflower is a MacOSX* system extension designed for inter-app audio routing (it allows apps to pass audio to other apps). The app has been designed to be very easy to use; it operates as an
Nox App Player for Mac is a free Android operating system emulator, that allows you to run Android apps on your Apple machine. A separate PC version is also available. Made by Bignox, Nox App Playe
While CCleaner has been the most popular PC maintenance tool for over a decade, it is relatively new to the Mac platform. Piriform’s CCleaner is a quick and easy to use program which makes your Mac fa
Jaspersoft Studio For Mac is the eclipse-based report designer for JasperReports and JasperReports Server. It is open source and free to use. With it, you can create sophisticated layouts that contain
Numbers is a gorgeous spreadsheet package that rivals Microsoft's Excel software. As you would expect from Apple, the software is beautifully designed with a clean and crisp interface. For users who
uTorrent is one of the world's most popular torrent clients. It's full of useful features such as scheduling, bandwidth prioritization and compatibility with BitComet-Mainline DHT. uTorrent also supp
LogMeIn Hamachi is a VPN service that easily sets up in 10 minutes, and enables secure remote access to your business network, anywhere there's an Internet connection. It works with your existing fir
Shotcut for Mac is an open source, cross-platform video editor with a wonderfully sleek, intuitive interface. With Shotcut for Mac you work with numerous panels that can be docked and undocked as yo