dupeGuru for Mac
Trying to locate and remove duplicate files on your system can be a real pain. It is time consuming and a cause lots of problems. Fortunately there are some great tools available to help you out and do the job for you.
dupeGuru is a great tool that has been specifically designed to locate duplicate files on your system. It is able to scan for both filename or file content. The filename scan uses a fuzzy matching algorithm, which is able to root out duplicate filenames, even when they are not exactly the same or are only similar.
dupeGuru is a handy little tool that gives you a safe and quick way to scan and remove large numbers of files, without manually scanning and removing them individually. dupeGuru also allow you to move or copy duplicated files elsewhere.
dupeGuru can not only find duplicated files, but it is also good with music data as well. The app has a Music mode feature, that is able to scan tags and then shows music-specific data in the duplicate results window. The special Picture mode works in much the same way.
With a customizable scanning engine and safety protocols in place to stop you from deleting system critical files, dupeGuru is a quality app that every Mac user needs to have.
Supported languages include: English, French, German, Chinese (Simplified), Czech, Italian, Armenian, Russian, Ukrainian, Brazilian, Vietnamese.