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编辑评论 · 2000年1月1日

Webroot SecureAnywhere Business Endpoint Protection is a fast, lightweight business security solution with a central management cloud. It uses multi-vector protection and machine learning to secure endpoints and users across all stages of a cyberattack.

Webroot SecureAnywhere Business Endpoint Protection provides highly accurate and effective malware prevention with additional security shield capabilities to keep your users and devices safe while browsing. This includes offline protection, mobile smartphone and tablet support, its resilient distributed cloud architecture, web threat shield, and an intelligent outbound firewall. It also uses an identity shield to protect all user information and credentials that could be exposed during online transactions.

Predictive PreventionWebroot SecureAnywhere Business Endpoint Protection is powered by the Webroot Threat Intelligence Platform, which uses big data analytics, machine learning, and threat intelligence from customers and technology partners worldwide. It continuously analyses, correlates and contextualises vast amounts of data to predict malware behaviours instantly and accurately. Together with the intelligent cloud console, this big data processing means that Webroot SecureAnywhere Business Endpoint Protection can share malware information to continually improve its defences and protect all endpoints against the same new and existing threats effectively.

Flexible ManagementWebroot SecureAnywhere Business Endpoint Protection's cloud-based console is always up-to-date and requires no on-premises hardware or software. The console makes it easy to manage all endpoints across your business. Not only can you change policies at global and individual levels, but the hierarchical management structure means you can easily control protection of different endpoint groups as suited to your individual business needs.

PricingWebroot SecureAnywhere Business Endpoint Protection uses consumption-based pricing. It also offers a full 30-day trial with no obligation to purchase. Licenses can be purchased for 1, 2 or 3 years for your required number of endpoints. The minimum available license covers 5 endpoints, costing £97.00 for 1 year, while 249 endpoints would cost you £4,058.70 for a 1-year subscription.

Bottom LineOverall, Webroot SecureAnywhere Business Endpoint Protection is an intelligent business security solution with multiple layers of protection for all your endpoints and users.

In comparison to similar software, Webroot SecureAnywhere Business Endpoint Protection offers mobile smartphone and tablet support which provides bonus points over alternatives that only protect desktops and laptops. It uses incredibly light software, using a minimal amount of disc space and system resources thanks to its cloud-based technology. It's also quick to install and scans quickly. Considering its performance, Webroot SecureAnywhere Business Endpoint Protection is very favourably priced, costing much less than some alternative solutions.

Want to learn more about security threats? Check out the beginner's guide to malware, viruses and spyware online.

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