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Avast Endpoint Protection Suite is an antivirus solution for businesses that protects file servers and endpoint workstations. It comes in four editions; Avast Endpoint Protection, Avast Endpoint Protection Plus, Avast Endpoint Protection Suite, and Avast Endpoint Protection Suite Plus.

Each of the suites available provide differing levels of protection. Avast Endpoint Protection comes with standard protection that is based on Avast Pro Antivirus for small office/home office networks of up to 200 computers, however, it is not suitable for servers.

Avast Endpoint Protection Plus provides enhanced protection that is based on Avast Internet Security for small and medium-sized business networks of up to 200 computers, again it is not suitable for servers.

Avast Endpoint Protection Suite provides standard protection that is based on Avast Pro Antivirus and Avast File Server Security for more complex company networks, optimally between 5 and 1000 computers and/or servers in any combination.

Avast Endpoint Protection Suite Plus provides maximum protection, based on Avast Internet Security, Avast File Server Security, and Avast Email Server Security. This is ideally for complex company networks of any size up to 1000 computers and/or servers in any combination.

This particular set of Avast products have been designed for an array of company networks, form SMBs through to large corporations. Avast Endpoint Protection Suites provide you with web-based remote deployment/management, real-time security alerts, and scheduled automatic scanning. This saves both time and costs of traditional deployment at individual endpoints. The service furnishes you with comprehensive reporting options that provide you with granular control over what data is reported on and how often.

Avast Endpoint Protection Suite has a central management component that comes in two variants: Small Office Administration; for basic networks and Enterprise Administration; for more complex networks. The system administrator is able to schedule scans, patch updates and run tasks during off-time hours or when employees are away from their PCs. This also aids productivity, as any maintenance requirements will not affect workloads.

Avast Endpoint Protection Suite ensures your endpoints are secured by certified, award-winning antivirus engines and your servers by award-winning Avast File Server Security, which is bale to scan all the traffic your servers can handle.

Cloud-based features such as real-time streaming virus-database updates and file-reputation warnings have been designed to both secure and accelerate the flow of data within your business.

Avast Endpoint Protection Suite also provides your businesses with a constant streaming antivirus updates, and utilizes the data gathered from Avast’s global threat detection network.

Avast Endpoint Protection Suite also goes further than traditional, signature-based antivirus products, using tools such as Avast’s Behavior Shield, which is able to analyze processes for unusual behavior. In the meantime attacks can be isolated and contained in the virtual environment of the Avast Sandbox.

Avast Endpoint Protection Suite is available as an on-premise solution, and it is suited for all modern Windows-based systems.

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AVAST Software



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