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- 下载 Visual Studio Code for Mac 1.97.2 Mac
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- Mac OS X
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- 英语
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- microsoft
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- Visual_Studio_Code_V1.97.1.zip
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Jaspersoft Studio For Mac
Jaspersoft Studio For Mac is the eclipse-based report designer for JasperReports and JasperReports Server. It is open source and free to use. With it, you can create sophisticated layouts that contain charts, images, sub-reports, crosstabs etc. Jaspersoft Studio For Mac allows you to access your data through JDBC, TableModels, JavaBeans, XML, Hibernate, CSV, and custom sources. You can then publish your reports as PDF, RTF, XML, XLS, CSV, HTML, XHTML, text, DOCX, or OpenOffice. Jaspersoft Studio For Mac was designed with a single goal in mind; to provide users with the features from Jaspersoft Report Editor, available as a port of iReport Designer. As Jaspersoft Studio For Mac has its foundations built upon the Eclipse platform, it is a more complete solution that allows users to extend its capabilities and functionality. Key features include: Repository explorer. Outline view. Report editing Area. Problems view. Designer palette. Properties view. Project explorer. Report State summary. Jaspersoft Studio For Mac has a multi-tab editor to work with. There are three different tabs: Design is the main tab selected when you open a report file and it allows you to graphically create your report. Source contains the JRXML source code for your report. Preview lets you run the report preview after having selected a data source and output format. Jaspersoft Studio For Mac is a comprehensive tool that offers a different perspective from that of iReport Designer. For those of you who have worked with Eclipse, you will be familiar with the user interface, while to new users the layout of the shown elements will appear somewhat different but the functionality will remain. Looking for the Windows version of Jaspersoft Studio for Mac? Download Here
Android Studio
适用于 Android 的免费 IDE
Stellarium for Mac provides you with accurate data about the night sky, which can be used by professional and amateur astronomers alike. Basically it's a planetarium for your computer. The application shows a realistic sky in 3D; the same as what you'd see with a telescope. Key features include: Default catalog of over 600,000 stars (extra catalogs with more than 210 million stars). Asterisms and illustrations of the constellations. Constellations for 20+ different cultures. Images of nebulae (full Messier catalog). The planets and their satellites. Very realistic atmosphere, sunrise and sunset. Realistic Milky Way. Stellarium for Mac has a great looking interface that can be accessed by all levels of user. It comes with a powerful zoom feature, time control, fish-eye projection for planetarium domes, extensive keyboard control and telescope control. Stellarium for Mac also comes with plugin control, so you can add functions like artificial satellites, ocular simulation, and telescope configuration. You can also add to your database, new solar system objects from online resources. Looking for the Windows version of Stellarium for Mac? Download Here
Code::Blocks for Mac
Mac上的Code :: Blocks是免费的C,C ++和Fortran IDE,具有自定义生成系统和可选的Make支持。该应用程序被设计为非常可扩展和完全可配置的。 Mac的Code :: Blocks是一个IDE,其中包含您将需要的所有功能。它在其支持的平台上具有一致的外观,感觉和操作。 它是围绕插件框架构建的,因此Mac的Code :: Blocks可以使用插件进行扩展。可以通过安装/编码插件来添加对任何功能的支持。 主要功能包括: 用C ++编写。不需要解释性语言或专有库。 完整的插件支持。 多种编译器支持:GCC(MingW / GNU GCC),MSVC ++,clang,Digital Mars,Borland C ++ 5.5和Open Watcom等。 支持并行构建。 导入Dev-C ++项目。 具有完整断点支持的调试器。 跨平台。 Mac的Code :: Blocks界面可通过语法突出显示,选项卡式界面,类浏览器,与不同用户的待办事项列表管理以及可通过插件提供的更多功能进行自定义和扩展。 在寻找Windows版的Code :: Blocks for Mac吗?在这里下载
R-Studio for Mac
对 Mac 数据恢复的 R-Studio 综合评审
Keynote is an easy to use and yet very powerful presentation software, designed by Apple. The Keynote software provides you with a massive array of tools and effects to ensure your presentations stand out from the crowd. It can be used for home, academic and business presentations. There are over 30 Apple-designed themes to choose from. The visual effects are simply stunning to use. When combined with graphics, transitions and images, you can create high quality presentations with a fresh look. Using Keynote you can create amazing presentations both quickly and easily. The software uses a simple drag and drop interface with a clean and well designed format panel and toolbar. Keynote automatically saves your presentation as you make changes and with iCloud you can access and edit your work from your Mac, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and iCloud.com. You can import a varied range of media types including; JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PSD, EPS, PDF, AIFF, MP3, AAC, and MOV. When you have created you masterpiece, you can export your presentations to Microsoft PowerPoint, PDF, QuickTime, HTML and image files. You can then share as Movie to Facebook, Vimeo, and YouTube. Main Features: Get Started Quickly Easy To Use Graphics Tools Cinema Quality Animations Share Your Work Easily As Apple says: Keynote. Your presentation. Totally decked out.
BlueStacks App Player
适用于Mac的BlueStacks App Player是一款出色的工具,可让您使用Mac在浏览器中全屏运行自己喜欢的移动应用/游戏。 Mac版BlueStacks App Player的主要功能 完全可定制的环境。 支持多种操作系统配置。 Google Play整合。 安装后,适用于Mac的BlueStacks App Player可以配置为与您选择的流行社交媒体平台(例如Facebook或Twitter)一起使用。当环境运行Android应用程序时,您可以将Mac版BlueStacks App Player配置为与您的Google Play帐户一起使用,以便您可以访问所有喜欢的应用程序和游戏! Mac的BlueStacks App Player的用户界面可以完全配置以满足您的需求。此外,它还可以与Apple设计和开发的自定义软件体验相集成。 您可以通过Mac的BlueStacks App Player享受完整的Android环境,或者,如果愿意,您可以直接在Mac桌面上安装Android应用程序图标。 适用于Mac的BlueStacks App Player支持多种语言。 寻找Windows版本的BlueStacks App Player?在这里下载
WhatsApp Messenger for Mac
Mac版WhatsApp是一项享誉盛名的消息服务,已经存在了一段时间。尽管您可以在Web上使用它,但WhatsApp for Mac已经为Windows和Mac OS X平台启动了一个桌面应用程序。 该应用程序的新桌面版本对某些用户而言非常理想,因为它不再需要占用Web浏览器中的空间。新的应用程序基本上可以用作手机的扩展程序;它可以反映您设备中的消息和对话。 使用应用程序的桌面版本具有许多优势,包括适当的本地桌面通知和更好的键盘快捷键。您只需要安装WhatsApp并在手机和Mac OS X 10.9或更高版本上运行即可。 在Mac上使用桌面版本很容易;下载并安装该应用程序后,您只需使用WhatsApp使用手机扫描屏幕上的QR码(打开WhatsApp,单击菜单,然后选择WhatsApp Web)。然后,桌面应用一旦被识别,便会与您的帐户关联。 值得注意的是,由于桌面应用程序使用您的移动设备来同步消息,因此最好确保将其连接到Wi-Fi,以避免过多的数据使用。 寻找Mac版WhatsApp的Windows版本吗?在这里下载
Easy Cut Studio for Mac
Easy Cut Studio for Mac是一款适用于Windows的高效灵活的标牌制作和乙烯基切割应用程序,可让您使用电子切割绘图仪切割任何SVG图像,贴花,贴纸,标志和任何想要的设计。 适用于Mac的Easy Cut Studio可与已安装的TrueType和OpenType以及Dingbat / Wingding字体一起使用。该软件不仅可以导入各种文件格式,而且还提供了一整套绘图和编辑工具,可创建您自己的切割设计。 Easy Cut Studio for Mac具有许多高级功能,可让您轻松直观地进行切割,例如轮廓切割,打印和切割,制作水钻模板,将光栅图像(包括BMP,PNG,GIF,JPG等)转换为SVG进行切割,将形状焊接在一起,创建晶格,将对象/文本适合路径,激光切割预览,无限次撤消/重做,使用图层等。 适用于Mac的Easy Cut Studio支持多种乙烯基切割机(绘图仪,乙烯基切割机),包括Craftwell eCraft,Roland,Ramtin,Wishblade,Foison,Silhouette SD / CAMEO / Portrait,Craft ROBO / Graphtec,SilverBullet,Bosskut Gazelle,MyDigiDi ,USCutter,BlackCat Cougar / Lynx,GCC,Pazzles Inspiration,Liyu,VinylExpress机器等。 总体而言,Easy Cut Studio for Mac是一款轻巧,简单的应用程序,用户可以使用它来导航,他们习惯于绕过成像软件。就是说,学习曲线很浅,任何人都可以花费一点时间和精力来掌握它。 要求:Mac OS X 10.8或更高版本。
OBS Studio
ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac
适用于Mac 4的ACDSee Photo Studio为您的所有图像编辑和组织需求提供了“精致,轻巧和简单”的解决方案。该程序承诺为用户提供“全面的摄影控制”,并希望被视为首选的数字摄影资源。 它拥有RAW支持,可支持450多种相机型号,可自定义的批次预设,大量的数字资产管理功能,拖放搜索以及范围广泛的无损调整功能。 主要功能包括: RAW参数功率。 控制您的收藏。 拉直并暴露图像细节。 可自定义的批次预设。 减轻和平衡图像。 极大的可用性。 查找重复项,节省空间。 强烈要求ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac的订户利用灵活性和对免导入和即时访问多种功能的控制。其中包括专业处理增强功能,您的个人图像以及旨在改善工作流程的大量组织工具。 ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac还具有友好而有用的界面,该界面将指导用户完成整个过程-帮助他们充分利用体验。还提供了ACD系统的视频教程和建议。 总体而言,这款高效强大的照相馆软件提供了令人印象深刻的功能目录。诸如拉直,变亮,平衡和暴露每个细节之类的编辑功能是一大优势,但是ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac也走得更远,允许用户完全控制其收藏的组织。
FL Studio Mobile
FL Studio Mobile:在 Mac 上全面音乐创作
Forklift - 同步数据和一般首选项
Avast Mac Security
Mozilla Firefox
Mozilla Firefox: 最好的网络浏览器
Google Drive
如何为 Mac 设置 Google Drive
Imposition Studio
Imposition Studio:专业的打印PDF排版软件
MixPad Professional Audio Mixer for Mac
Visual Studio Code for Mac 1.98.2
Visual Studio Code for Mac 1.98.1
Visual Studio Code for Mac 1.97.1
Visual Studio Code for Mac 1.96.4
Visual Studio Code for Mac 1.96.2
Visual Studio Code for Mac 1.95.2
Visual Studio Code for Mac 1.95.1
Visual Studio Code for Mac 1.94
Visual Studio Code for Mac 1.93
Visual Studio Code for Mac 1.92
Visual Studio Code for Mac 1.78