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Keynote is an easy to use and yet very powerful presentation software, designed by Apple. The Keynote software provides you with a massive array of tools and effects to ensure your presentations stand out from the crowd. It can be used for home, academic and business presentations. There are over 30 Apple-designed themes to choose from. The visual effects are simply stunning to use. When combined with graphics, transitions and images, you can create high quality presentations with a fresh look. Using Keynote you can create amazing presentations both quickly and easily. The software uses a simple drag and drop interface with a clean and well designed format panel and toolbar. Keynote automatically saves your presentation as you make changes and with iCloud you can access and edit your work from your Mac, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and iCloud.com. You can import a varied range of media types including; JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PSD, EPS, PDF, AIFF, MP3, AAC, and MOV. When you have created you masterpiece, you can export your presentations to Microsoft PowerPoint, PDF, QuickTime, HTML and image files. You can then share as Movie to Facebook, Vimeo, and YouTube. Main Features: Get Started Quickly Easy To Use Graphics Tools Cinema Quality Animations Share Your Work Easily As Apple says: Keynote. Your presentation. Totally decked out.
TeamViewer for Mac is a useful tool for Mac users looking to share desktop access with others over the internet. Formerly a tool used primarily by technicians to fix issues on host computers, TeamViewer is now used by millions of users to share screens, access remote computers, train and even conduct virtual meetings. TeamViewer connects to any Mac or server around the world within a few seconds. You can remote control your partner's Mac as if you were sitting right in front of it. Features: Control computers remotely via the internet Record your session and save it as a video file for playback Online meetings Drag & Drop files Multi-Monitor support.
一个免费的 Mac 应用,由 Maxis 提供。
Apple iWork is a suite of applications for office work that is compatible with both Apple iOS and OSX platforms. The office suite comprises of the application Keynote; a program used to make presentations, Pages; an application used for creating documents, and the spreadsheet application Numbers. The iWork suite of applications is thought to be made with the prosumer market in mind with simplified features found in Microsoft Office for Mac, or the open source Libre Office software. The iWork applications also have touch screen support and compatibility with the iCloud software. Common Components Products in the iWork suite of applications have some common components which come from them sharing a similar application programming interfaces like Cocoa and other APIs. Among these common APIs are the multi-lingual spell checker application used in Safari and Mail. Other common design features include the color picker, grammar checking system, and the find/replace application. Also common among all iWork applications is the underlying document called the ‘canvas’ which is a generic container type of document that is used to provide a layout and storage mechanism in the Apple applications. Each application in the Apple iWork suite uses the canvas as a background and then places its own components on it to create a different program. In the Pages application for instance, the large text box is the central feature in the application when it is first opened, but this can then be altered by the user in any way they like. Similarly in Numbers, the spreadsheet application, the app opens with a grid of cells like a typical spreadsheet but the user again has a lot of freedom to play around with the data on the canvas. The iwork model is thought to be based on the earlier Apple designed OpenDoc which had a similar underlying document engine, along with a single on-disk format.
Audacity是免费的,易于使用的音频编辑器和录音器,适用于Windows,Mac OS X,GNU / Linux和其他操作系统。您可以使用Audacity进行以下操作: 录制现场音频。 将磁带和唱片转换成数字唱片或CD。 编辑Ogg Vorbis,MP3,WAV或AIFF声音文件。 剪切,复制,拼接或混合声音。 更改录音的速度或音高。 使用LADSPA插件添加新效果。 使用可选库支持AC3,M4A / M4R(AAC),WMA和其他格式。 系统要求:Audacity至少在1 GB RAM和1 GHz处理器(OS X 10.7或更高版本上为2 GB RAM / 2 GHz)上运行最佳。如果将Audacity用于冗长的多轨项目,我们建议至少使用2 GB RAM和2 GHz处理器(在OS X 10.7或更高版本上为4 GB RAM)。
VirtualDJ for Mac is a feature-packed deejaying software for mixing and playing digital audio and video tracks. The UI resembles a classic DJ setup with a mixer and two turntables but can be expanded to 4 decks or more. Its vinyl emulation feature allows to control music files on the computer through physical turntables which makes the mixing and scratching experience authentic and far more powerful than using a keyboard and mouse. VirtualDJ for Mac's large range of features include standard controls (play, pause, stop, cue), automatic BPM and KEY calculation, a 3 band equalizer, pitch control, real scratch simulation, karaoke support, CD to MP3 encoder, compatibility with iTunes playlists, recording of DJ sessions and many more.
Vivaldi for Mac is a new, feature rich web browser that combines an Opera-like interface with a Chromium open-source platform. Vivaldi for Mac is very similar to the Opera browser in many ways. There are some pretty cool features which are nice, like the interface which fades colours to match the dominant colour on the page, as you navigate between sites. Aside form the snazzy effects, the browser has clearly been designed with power users in mind, as the Quick Commands tool shows. This helps the user to search or run commands in much the similar manner to OS X’s Spotlight feature. Vivaldi for Mac supports browsing with mouse gestures, and the ever-familiar 'speed dial' interface, which shows your favourite tabs on the new tab page is also a great, albeit old, feature that is present in this new web browser. Key Features include: Quick Commands. Tab Stacks. Notes. Adaptive Interface. Spatial Navigation. The layout of Vivaldi for Mac looks great too. Inside the left toolbar is the bookmarks menu, the (upcoming) Vivaldi Mail feature, a Contacts list, the Downloads menu and a Notes tool. There is a lot housed here, however the interface manages not to feel at all cluttered. Items are placed in logical places and are all kept small and out the way giving you a fresh, clean feel. Overall, Vivaldi for Mac has a crisp, sharp-edged interface, which uses simple but effective fonts and icons. It is clearly aimed at power users as the different features and tools show. It is relatively small (for a browser) and is not that hard on system resources. If you feel like a change from Chrome, Safari or Opera then why not check it out!
Mac版WhatsApp是一项享誉盛名的消息服务,已经存在了一段时间。尽管您可以在Web上使用它,但WhatsApp for Mac已经为Windows和Mac OS X平台启动了一个桌面应用程序。 该应用程序的新桌面版本对某些用户而言非常理想,因为它不再需要占用Web浏览器中的空间。新的应用程序基本上可以用作手机的扩展程序;它可以反映您设备中的消息和对话。 使用应用程序的桌面版本具有许多优势,包括适当的本地桌面通知和更好的键盘快捷键。您只需要安装WhatsApp并在手机和Mac OS X 10.9或更高版本上运行即可。 在Mac上使用桌面版本很容易;下载并安装该应用程序后,您只需使用WhatsApp使用手机扫描屏幕上的QR码(打开WhatsApp,单击菜单,然后选择WhatsApp Web)。然后,桌面应用一旦被识别,便会与您的帐户关联。 值得注意的是,由于桌面应用程序使用您的移动设备来同步消息,因此最好确保将其连接到Wi-Fi,以避免过多的数据使用。 寻找Mac版WhatsApp的Windows版本吗?在这里下载
VisualBoyAdvance for Mac是一款游戏模拟器,可以模拟Nintendo掌上游戏机上提供的所有游戏,并且能够支持1487 kb的闪存。该应用程序还将自动IP补丁应用于游戏。 此应用程序提供的GameBoy和GameBoy Advance仿真对于仿真环境非常准确。 适用于Mac的VisualBoyAdvance非常易于安装,并且仅占用几个MB的空间。它在旧系统上可以很好地工作,但是已知在新系统上安装后会崩溃。 可能会有一些显示错误,您可能会发现它可能不适合屏幕。话虽如此,它是支持旧GameBoy环境的最全面的应用程序之一。 尽管Mac的VisualBoyAdvance并不是一个非常复杂的应用程序,但是新手用户在开始之前将需要学习仿真及其基础知识。 寻找Windows版本的VisualBoyAdvance吗?在这里下载
《模拟人生3:大学生活》- 一个有趣而详细的扩展包
由 ExpressVPN 提供的 Mac 完整版本应用程序。
CINEMA 4D For Mac - 为什么它是必备的工作流程
使用 GrandPerspective 在 Mac 上优化磁盘空间
免费的 Mac 桌面远程控制
如何为 Mac 设置 Google Drive