编辑评论 · 2024年9月19日
目前 News Reader 的 1.1.1 版尚无任何更新日志信息。有时候,发布者需要一些时间才能公布该信息,过几天再回来看看有无更新吧。
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Adobe Acrobat Reader DC for Mac is the industry standard for viewing, printing, signing and commenting on PDF documents. It's the only PDF viewer available*, which is able to open and interact with all types of PDF content, including forms and multimedia. Working with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC for Mac is easy, as it has some very cool tools to work with. With a modern, tabbed viewing interface that allows you to view multiple documents from within the same window, and apps and tools that can enhance viewing, revising and annotating documents, you are sure to improve your workflow. Key features include: View and annotate PDFs. Add comments. Convert PDFs to Word. Fill, sign and send PDF forms. Industry leading OCR. Approve or reject PDFs. Send and Track. Intuitive user interface. Huge array of tools. Touch enabled interface support. Mobile Link. Sharing your work is no longer a chore with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC for Mac. The app allows you to share documents with others in a variety of ways. You can share files using Adobe Document Cloud service or via email, and Adobe’s Document Cloud service also allows you to store and access PDF and other documents from multiple devices as well. The app fully supports all PDF files, and comes with a variety of intuitive tools to enhance reading them, such as automatic scrolling. There are also various reading modes to choose from, including Continuous and Single Page, and there is even a text-to-speech narration engine in Read Out Loud. Overall Adobe Acrobat Reader DC for Mac gives you an effective array of tools to work with. It comes with a stack of new features, such as tabbed viewing and some neat tools for annotation and reviewing. It is worth noting, however, that some features are locked to Acrobat Pro DC, but what you do get is great for the average user. To sum up, with high quality rendering and improved performance over older versions, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is one of the best PDF readers on the market. *Adobe Acrobat Reader DC for Mac is available across leading desktop and mobile device platforms.
高效 PDF 阅读器专业版-Mac 用户轻量版
CoolReader是基于台式机和便携式设备的快速,小型,轻量的基于XML / CSS的跨平台电子书阅读器。 支持的格式包括: FB2。 文本文件。 RTF。 DOC。 TCR。 HTML。 EPUB。 CHM。 PDB。 摩比适用于Mac的CoolReader允许您阅读多种不同格式的电子书。它具有一些简洁的功能,例如样式表支持,以及许多自定义项,以提高阅读性能。
使用 Mac 版 Adobe Acrobat XI 创建 PDF 文件
功能强大的Mac PDF阅读器
快速高效的 Mac 用户 PDF 阅读器
An easy to use RSS reader
适用于Mac的Cisdem PDFManagerUltimate为您提供了完整的PDF管理解决方案。它允许您组织和查看PDF。您可以编辑,旋转,突出显示,添加注释,文本,文本框,便笺和注释。您可以合并,拆分,压缩和提取文本或图像。您还可以添加签名,并使用打开和许可密码加密PDF。 Mac版Cisdem PDFManagerUltimate也具有一流的OCR技术。它使您可以将标准和扫描的PDF文档转换为Word,Excel,文本,PPT,Keynote,页面,HTML,EPUB和各种图像格式。 主要功能包括: PDF Reader:组织和查看PDF。使用内置的管理系统,快速标记PDF文档并对其进行分类。 PDF编辑器:编辑和注释PDF。在PDF中添加文本,注释,注释或形状。您可以突出显示,划掉和加下划线文本。 PDF Toolkit:将多个PDF文件组合为一个文件,以便于存档和分发。您还可以拆分或压缩PDF并从PDF文件导出文本或图像。 Mac版的Cisdem PDFManagerUltimate具有一些非常好的功能,例如支持多种语言转换,并且转换后的文档在转换后也保持完美的格式。您还可以对PDF文档进行数字签名和反签名,并且可以使用权限密码对PDF文档进行加密,以保护您的PDF不受控制地使用。 Mac的总体Cisdem PDFManagerUltimate是一个很好的工具。它的占地面积相对较小,具有许多功能,并且具有不难掌握的干净用户界面。
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