NCH Software(免费)
NCH Software(免费)
目前 HourGuard Time Sheet for Mac 的 版尚无任何更新日志信息。有时候,发布者需要一些时间才能公布该信息,过几天再回来看看有无更新吧。
PhotoDirector Ultra is a complete photo adjustment and design suite for editing awesome photos on your Mac. It is designed to kickstart your creativity and help you to edit impressive photos for famil
Toad for Mac is a solid productivity solution, which helps to make database management for OS X users an easy affair. With it you can build high-quality database applications quickly via a streamlin
HitFilm Express for Mac will provide video editors with all the power they need to ‘make something cool’. This starter video editing software will allow anyone to take their first steps towards pro-fi
Evernote for Mac allows you to easily capture information in any environment using whatever device or platform you find most convenient, and makes this information accessible and searchable at any tim
适用于Mac的qBittorrent是对等2对等(P2P)共享应用程序,它提供了µTorrent的替代产品。它具有可扩展的搜索引擎,该引擎已很好地集成到应用程序中。您可以同时执行搜索,并针对各种不同类型的文件和多媒体针对每个类别执行特定的搜索请求。 主要功能包括: 同时下载多个种子。 集成的洪流搜索引擎。 集成的RSS feed阅读器和下载器。 良好的国际化。 DHT,PeX,加密,LSD,UP
Karaoke 5 for Mac is a versatile karaoke player that can be used to mix and synchronize tracks simply and easily. With it you can create or modify basic Karaoke MP3, MIDI and MP4 files to suit your
Cue-Splitter 是一种小型(通常是无线)设备,可将一个 cue shot 拆分到两个 cue 之间以获得最佳效果。目前最常用的 Cue-Splitter 是 Gritsch-soft,它可以将大型 MP3 音乐文件切割成 C cue-listen 文件,并在 cue-file 中添加相关的 ID3-tags,使其易于查找。上次买了50多欧。当我第一次购买它时,我像专业版一样设置它,似乎没
Buffered VPN for Mac is a secure VPN service that allows you to experience the internet as it should be. It works to protect your internet activity and personal information and allows you to access co
Jaspersoft Studio For Mac is the eclipse-based report designer for JasperReports and JasperReports Server. It is open source and free to use. With it, you can create sophisticated layouts that contain