- 标题
- 下载 Express Burn Disc Burning Free 14 Mac
- 系统要求
- Mac OS X
- 语言
- 可用语言
- 英语
- 许可证
- 免费
- 最近更新
- 作者
- NCH Software
- SHA-1
- 文件名
- burnmaci.zip
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Express Burn Free CD and DVD Burner for Mac
Express Burn Free CD and DVD Burner for Mac is a free CD and DVD burning program for the Mac platform. With it you can burn audio CDs and data CDs for free. The Free version also lets you trial some of the the advanced features of Video DVD burning. With Express Burn Free CD and DVD Burner for Mac you can import multiple audio formats and the app will convert them automatically as it burns to disc. The app also has some cool features such as Audio Normalization that normalize the audio volume of your tracks. Ul> Ultra fast and user-friendly burning to save you time. Burn audio, video or files to CD, DVD or Blu-Ray. Drag and drop files straight into the application. The app lets you create and burn a new disc, copy an existing disc, or burn DVDs and Blu-rays. As the interface is relatively straightforward, almost any user could operate the program. The app has a quick start wizard that lets you create and burn any kind of disc quickly. If you don't want it to launch with the app it can be dismissed. However, it is quite useful if you just need to produce something quickly. Overall Express Burn Free CD and DVD Burner for Mac is a capable app that includes most of the features you would expect in a premium disc burning suite. That being said there are other suites on the market that can provide similar tools, which can be used to manage files for your CDs, DVDs, and data discs.
Express Burn CD/DVD Burning Software
请提供带有HTML标签的句子的中文简体翻译:Express Burn CD/DVD Burning SoftwareExpress Burn CD/DVD刻录软件
Dragon Burn
使用龙烧(Dragon Burn)轻松进行刻录
Roxio Toast Titanium
Toast Titanium goes way beyond the very basic burning in the Mac OS and iLife software, and sets the standard for burning CDs, DVDs, and now Blu-ray discs on the Mac. Create superior sounding audio CDs with smooth crossfades and transitions. Enjoy your TV shows anywhere with exclusive TiVoToGo and EyeTV burning. Convert and export video for an iPod, PSP, mobile phone, and more. Burn files of any size, and automatically catalog the contents of your discs. Copy your audio CDs, movies and DVDs. There is no easier or faster way to save, share, and enjoy your digital media on disc.
HitFilm Express for Mac
HitFilm Express for Mac will provide video editors with all the power they need to ‘make something cool’. This starter video editing software will allow anyone to take their first steps towards pro-filmmaking thanks to VFX wizardry. It is being described as perfect for students, YouTubers and beginner filmmakers. So, if you’re looking to level up your skills this software’s masterclass tutorials will suit everyone. Key features include: Full 2D and 3D compositing. 410+ effects and presets. Free video tutorials and projects. Professional level video editor. Windows and Mac compatibility. Unlimited tracks and transitions. Great usability. This download is ‘fully loaded and forever free’. HitFilm believe that users shouldn’t have to pay to play. They also say that they delight in being a part of their user’s origin story. With its warm, friendly and incredibly helpful interface this program will guide complete beginners through the art of professional filmmaking. They can learn how to get the most out of more than 410 effects and presets, all thanks to free tutorials. Overall, HitFilm Express for Mac gives you access to the most powerful free video-editor and VFX software. With its unlimited tracks and transitions, full 2D and 3D compositing and a whole host of impressive features it is easy to see why this program continues to be downloaded in high numbers each day.
HitFilm Express
1-Click DVD Creator-Burn/Make
轻松的DVD创建,使用1-Click DVD Creator
Disc Cover
Express Accounts Free for Mac
Express Accounts 免费版适用于 Mac
Express Scribe Free for Mac
ExpressScribe Free for Mac是面向专业用户和学生的音频播放器。它旨在帮助用户手动转录音频记录。标题中的“免费”是指该软件是免费的。是的,不幸的是,您仍然必须自己进行所有实际键入。如果那是您想要的,请继续阅读。如果没有,谢谢您的时间,接下来可能不适合您。 Express Scribe的好处是专业打字员或任何想要键入音频回放的人。安装简便,界面易于使用且易于掌握。 Express Scribe还从头开始设计,可与USB脚踏板配合使用,因此,如果您拥有USB脚踏板,则应确保兼容性。如果您没有脚踏板,可以使用快捷键“热”键来代替,并且使用起来也很好。 主要特点: 支持音频和视频播放。 支持专业的USB脚踏板来控制播放。 vWorks与Microsoft Word和所有主要的文字处理器一起使用。 与语音识别软件(例如Dragon Naturally Speaking)配合使用,可自动将语音转换为文本。 与FastFox文本扩展器配合使用,可使用键盘快捷键输入医学/法律短语和常用短语。 尽管Express Scribe Transcription Free主要针对专业打字员,但我们认为,其他任何想在笔记中进行转录和打字的人都应该可以轻松找到该软件。 转录UI为打字员提供了比您认为专业版软件的“免费”版本更多的功能。重点包括变速播放,多通道控制,视频播放和文件管理;您通常希望从“高级”专业转录软件获得的所有信息。 免费版本还支持您期望的所有常见音频格式,例如.MP3,.WMA,.DCT,甚至加密的听写文件。 在寻找Mac版Express Scribe Free的Windows版本吗?在这里下载
Express Invoice Free for Mac
Mac版Express Express Free是一款小型,轻巧且有效的商业发票应用程序。它具有许多有用的工具,例如远程Web控制台,该控制台使多个用户可以生成发票,管理客户并创建账单报告。 Mac版Express Invoice允许您为正在进行的服务创建循环发票模板,并链接到信用卡网关以轻松处理商品和服务的付款。 申请付款。 跟踪客户。 查看和打印报告。 它还包括许多标准报告,例如未付帐款,付款,销售人员,会计报告等。然后,您可以选择直接将发票打印,通过电子邮件发送或传真给客户。 主要功能包括: 直接通过应用程序通过电子邮件或传真发送发票。 通过标准Web浏览器可对多个用户进行远程Web访问。 SMTP电子邮件发送设置包括安全套接字层(SSL)。 创建发票时,从多个税率中选择。 区域格式设置包括货币符号,小数点显示和纸张尺寸。 自动将过期的付款发送给客户。 配置多种发票模板布局,包括发票标题,对齐方式,字体大小和脚注。 总体而言,适用于Mac的Express Invoice Free具有相当全面的界面和良好的功能。为了免费提供产品,NCH创建了一个很好的,可用的产品,它以简单但整洁的设计和组织化的软件包包含创建和跟踪客户帐户,付款和发票所需的所有功能,使其成为小型企业的理想解决方案。
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