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Microsoft Edge
基于 Chromium 的网络浏览器
Avast Mac Security
AVAST Security Pro for Mac
Mac版Avast Security Pro是广受欢迎的AV程序的专业版本。高效而全面的受欢迎程度源于Avast多年来创建的可靠和可信赖的品牌。尽管在Mac平台上病毒和恶意软件问题不像在Windows上那样普遍,但是仍然存在严重的威胁,您需要对其进行防护。 Mac版Avast Security Pro的主要功能是高级勒索软件保护工具和高级网络安全工具。 适用于Mac的Avast Security Pro具有简单易用的UI。您可以在边栏中轻松访问关键功能,并且可以自定义主页,因此您可以轻松访问最常用的工具。 Avast Security Pro的Ransomware Shield在Avast Free Mac Security的标准勒索软件保护上进行了扩展,以阻止勒索软件变种将您的文件作为人质。该工具甚至可以超越标准勒索软件的保护范围,以阻止任何不受信任的应用程序更改或删除受保护的数据。 主要功能包括: 实时病毒,间谍软件和其他威胁检测。 保护个人文件和照片免遭勒索软件攻击。 即时警报网络弱点和入侵者。 恶意网站警告,用于更安全的在线支付。 邮件盾。 自定义扫描选项。 文件屏蔽。 Web Shield。 WiFi检查器。 全面保护是Avast非常重视的事情。借助Mac版Avast Security Pro,您可以确保获得一流的保护。有了不断更新的病毒定义数据库,您的计算机将受到最新间谍软件,病毒和潜在危险网站的保护。 Avast庞大而活跃的社区迅速将新的安全威胁通知开发团队,这些新安全威胁将迅速予以解决并添加到Avast重要数据库中。该浏览器附加组件通过cookie和社交跟踪阻止等功能进一步提高了计算机安全性。 总体而言,Avast Security Pro for Mac无疑是Mac平台上可用的最佳总体安全套件之一。它相对较轻且效率很高,同时仍为Mac提供全面的安全保护。外观干净整洁,具有直观标记和位置的按钮,因此各种专业知识的用户都可以浏览该应用程序。
Avast SecureLine VPN
Avast SecureLine VPN的综合评测
S3 browser
NetSDK 软件 - Amazon S3 服务的简单 Web 服务接口
Avast SecureLine VPN for Mac
No matter how secure you think your Mac is, it makes good sense to use a VPN while online. VPNs can mask your identity, protect your privacy, and lets you access to favorite web content no matter where you are. Avast SecureLine VPN for Mac offers you enhanced onlie privacy on up to five devices and has no bandwidth limits. The app offers two protocols, IPSec and OpenVPN on UDP with AES 256-bit encryption. This kind of encryption is military-grade and is widely considered by many to be ‘brute-force proof’ This encryption strength is used by numerous government agencies and security professionals globally. Along with AES 256-bit encryption Avast SecureLine also offers DNS leak protection as well. A stand-out feature of the software is Avast SecureLine's kill switch – which protects your privacy if your connection is ever lost. When Avast SecureLine detects your network connection will terminate, the app automatically kills your current session as well, clever, right?! Key Features: AES-256 encryption Kill-Switch DNS leak protection Torrent Support. No Logs. Customer Support. Avast Secureline VPN also comes in a Windows version and mobile apps for iOS and Android, available on the Apple App Store and Google Play, respectively. Overall, Avast Secureline VPN is a well built, solid VPN client. The interface is clean and minimalist, which makes it easy to use and simple to operate. However, it’s worth noting that Avast Secureline VPN doesn't have router support and won’t work with Netflix. Looking for the Windows version of Avast SecureLine VPN? Download Here
Avast Cleanup for Mac
.descbannerbtn{font-family:Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif;background:linear-gradient(#fc8f32 0,#e26a0c 100%)!important;border:solid 1px #be5b0c;color:#fff;text-align:center;font-size:14px;float:right;display:block;width:141px;height:30px;letter-spacing:1px;font-weight:600!important;font-size:12px}.descbannercontainer{padding-right:50px;padding-left:30px;background-color:#f3f5f9;height:auto;min-height:57px;padding-top:14px}.descbannerlink{font-size:16px!important;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif!important;display:inline-block;float:left;padding-top:5px;font-weight:600}@media only screen and (max-width: 770px){.descbannercontainer{color:green;padding-bottom:5px}.descbannerbtn{float:none;margin:auto}.descbannerlink{text-align:center;float:right}} Avast Cleanup Pro for Mac - 20% OFF Avast Cleanup Pro for Mac is a next generation tuneup and cleanup software solution for your Mac. If you're running low on space, it will scan your hard disk for hidden junk files, find duplicates you never knew about, and makes sure your Mac runs smoothly. Clear thousands of junk files in just one click, as Avast Cleanup Pro for Mac does the hard work for you. It scours the hidden depths of your Mac with a deep-scan, and deletes what's no longer needed, such as cache data and temporary files that you no longer need. Key features include: Disk cleaner. Duplicate finder. Cleaning alerts. Automatic daily cleaning. Clear thousands of junk files with one click. 30-day money-back guarantee. Avast Cleanup Pro for Mac scans your Mac for duplicate files scattered across your disk and brings order to your Mac. It deletes the files you no longer need, clearing up precious space for things you do need. Get regular cleaning alerts with Avast Cleanup Pro for Mac, and with just one click it will do all the hard work for you. You'll get alerts for performance issues and unnecessary clutter found, and give you all the steps to resolve it. Too many notifications? Don't worry, you can turn this feature on and off as you need to. Overall, Avast Cleanup Pro for Mac is a great cleanup tool for your Mac. It's deep-scan feature scours the hidden depths of your Mac to find and remove unnecessary files that are clogging up your system. It's simple to use, and can save you heaps of time with its daily automatic scanning and cleaning. It's like a spring clean for your Mac.
Google Chrome
谷歌改变游戏规则的浏览器Mac版Chrome结合了先进的技术和简单的用户界面,可提供更快,更安全,更轻松的浏览体验。 Google持续快速的开发周期确保Chrome for Mac继续紧随Safari在Mac浏览器市场中的主导地位。 速度 我们认为Firefox不错,但Chrome不仅在速度上胜过它,而且对Mac CPU的负担也较小。这意味着您不仅可以更快地浏览,而且可以同时运行其他应用程序。借助强大的JavaScript引擎,Google Chrome浏览器启动速度极快,可快速运行应用程序,并使用WebKit开源呈现引擎快速加载页面。通过简化的用户界面添加到此更快的搜索和导航选项中,您将拥有一个浏览器,其速度实在令人难以抗拒。 干净,简单的用户界面 虽然这对PC用户来说是一个革命性的领域,但由于Safari,Mac用户已经习惯了使用纤细外观的浏览器。我们认为Chrome对此有所改善-自2008年测试版推出以来,简单的UI并没有太大改变。浏览器由3行工具组成,顶层自动自动调整选项卡水平叠放,旁边是一个简单的新选项卡图标以及标准的最小化,扩展和关闭Windows控件。中间的行包括3个导航控件(“上一步”,“前进”和“停止/刷新”),一个URL框(还允许直接Google网络搜索)和一个星形书签图标。扩展程序和浏览器设置图标排列在URL框的右侧。第三行由书签文件夹和已安装的应用程序组成。与2008年前流行的浏览器拥挤不堪的工具栏相比,这种简洁的UI现在很容易被人忽略。 隐私 另一个非常流行的功能是隐身模式,通过禁用历史记录,减少可跟踪的面包屑并在关机时删除跟踪Cookie,您可以私下浏览。 Chrome的设置还允许您自定义常规的浏览隐私首选项。 安全 Chrome的沙箱功能可防止恶意软件自动在Mac上安装或影响其他浏览器标签。 Chrome浏览器还内置了带有恶意软件和网络钓鱼防护功能的“安全浏览”技术,如果您遇到涉嫌包含恶意软件/活动的网站,则会向您发出警告。定期的自动更新可确保安全功能是最新且有效的。 客制化 种类繁多的应用程序,扩展程序,主题和设置使您的浏览体验独树一帜。使用Google Chrome商店中的应用和扩展程序,可以提高生产力,安全性,导航速度以及您能想到的几乎所有功能。安装由顶级艺术家创作的主题,或者使用mychrometheme.com自行制作主题。使用您的Google帐户登录以备份您的联系人,首选项,历史记录,并通过一次登录即可访问所有Google工具。 程序提供商已限制发行此产品的旧版本。 FileHippo对由此带来的不便深表歉意。
Vivaldi for Mac
Vivaldi for Mac is a new, feature rich web browser that combines an Opera-like interface with a Chromium open-source platform. Vivaldi for Mac is very similar to the Opera browser in many ways. There are some pretty cool features which are nice, like the interface which fades colours to match the dominant colour on the page, as you navigate between sites. Aside form the snazzy effects, the browser has clearly been designed with power users in mind, as the Quick Commands tool shows. This helps the user to search or run commands in much the similar manner to OS X’s Spotlight feature. Vivaldi for Mac supports browsing with mouse gestures, and the ever-familiar 'speed dial' interface, which shows your favourite tabs on the new tab page is also a great, albeit old, feature that is present in this new web browser. Key Features include: Quick Commands. Tab Stacks. Notes. Adaptive Interface. Spatial Navigation. The layout of Vivaldi for Mac looks great too. Inside the left toolbar is the bookmarks menu, the (upcoming) Vivaldi Mail feature, a Contacts list, the Downloads menu and a Notes tool. There is a lot housed here, however the interface manages not to feel at all cluttered. Items are placed in logical places and are all kept small and out the way giving you a fresh, clean feel. Overall, Vivaldi for Mac has a crisp, sharp-edged interface, which uses simple but effective fonts and icons. It is clearly aimed at power users as the different features and tools show. It is relatively small (for a browser) and is not that hard on system resources. If you feel like a change from Chrome, Safari or Opera then why not check it out!
Respondus Lockdown Browser
使用 Respondus Lockdown 浏览器防止作弊
Surfshark: Secure VPN Proxy
Surfshark:安全的 VPN 代理 – 全面的在线隐私工具
Avast Small Office Protection