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- 下载 Wise Memory Optimizer 3.49 Windows
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- Windows 10
- Windows XP
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- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Windows Vista
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- 作者
- Wise Cleaner
- SHA-1
- 文件名
- WMOSetup.exe
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Wise PC 1stAid
Wise PC 1stAid是一个智能的故障排除工具,可以帮助您找到一些常见的计算机问题的解决方案。 Wise PC 1stAid可以修复的一系列错误中包括与桌面图标,任务管理器,注册表编辑器和网页有关的错误。 首次启动Wise PC 1stAid时,会为您提供一个简单的界面,该界面分为两部分。主要部分包含指向该应用程序可以解决的所有主要问题的链接,另一部分包含指向联系表单的链接,如果您无法使用该应用程序解决问题,则可以联系技术支持论坛。 当您找到所遇到的“问题”时,只需单击该图标即可在打开的区域中描述问题及其解决方案。旁边是“立即修复”按钮,该按钮将启动可纠正问题的过程。缺点是,当单击以修复某些问题时,该应用程序会要求您安装其他软件,例如Wise Care 365和Wise Memory Optimizer。
WLAN Optimizer
适用于 Windows XP 无线网络的小型免费软件工具
Wise Disk Cleaner
Wise Disk Cleaner可以轻松快速地删除各种冗余垃圾文件,从而帮助您收回硬盘驱动器上的误用空间。 Wise Disk Cleaner支持许多不同的文件格式和扩展名,包括Internet临时文件和安装日志,旧文件以及索引文件。可以将Wise Disk Cleaner配置为添加要包含在清理中的文件夹列表。您还可以通过将文件类型添加到排除列表中来过滤掉文件类型。 通过运行磁盘碎片整理程序,可以提高PC的性能。硬盘驱动器会随着时间的流逝而变得碎片化,正是这种磁盘碎片化使您的硬盘变得缓慢且无响应,从而降低了PC的性能。 Wise Disk Cleaner的“磁盘碎片整理”功能可以重新排列驱动器上的碎片数据,从而可以更有效地工作。 总体而言,Wise Disk Cleaner具有可定制的界面,该界面易于使用,尽管有点混乱。该应用程序具有一些基本和高级工具可供选择,并且能够搜索和删除各种临时文件类型。它具有一些不错的功能,例如定期清洁,您可以将应用程序配置为在任务完成后自动退出。话虽如此,市场上还有更好的替代品,例如Piriform的CCleaner
VMware Workstation Pro
There are numerous virtual environment provides on the market today, some put ease of use above functionality, other place integration above stability. VMware Workstation Pro is the easiest to use, the fastest and the most reliable app when it comes to evaluating a new OS, or new software apps and patches, in an isolated and safe virtualized environment. Key Features include: Powerful 3D Graphics - DirectX 10* and OpenGL 3.3 support. VMware Compatibility - Create one; Run anywhere on VMware software. vSphere and vCloud Air Support - Drag and drop VMs between environments. Restricted and Encrypted VMs - Protection and performance enhancements. Expiring Virtual Machines - Time-limited virtual machines. Latest Hardware Support - Broadwell and Haswell CPU support. Enterprise Quality Virtual Machines - 16 vCPUs, 8TB virtual disks, and 64GB memory. Enhanced IPv6 Support - IPv6-to-IPv4 NAT (6to4 and 4to6). Virtual Machine Video Memory - Up to 2GB. Enhanced Connectivity - USB 3.0, Bluetooth, HD audio, printers, and Skype support. High Resolution Displays - 4K UHD and QHD+ support. VMware Workstation Pro is a perfect choice for those of you who are a little skeptical about making the leap over to Windows 10. By utilizing an app like this, you'll get to try out all of Windows 10's new features in a safe sandboxed environment, without the need to install the OS natively. VMware Workstation Pro doesn't just support Microsofts OS, you can also install Linux VMs, including Ubuntu, Red Hat, Fedora, and lots of other distributions as well. Overall, Workstation Pro offers high performance, strong reliability, and cutting edge features that make it stand out from the crowd. The full version is a little pricey, but you do get what you pay for.
Wise Data Recovery
Wise Data Recovery is a small, lightweight app that can recover accidentally deleted files from your computer. It has a simple and clean interface that allows you to select the drive to be scanned, and then perform searches based on keywords or different criteria, whether that be an image, audio, or video files, documents, compressed files, or email items. Wise Data Recovery is able to undertake and complete scanning processes in very short periods of time due to advanced algorithms. If you choose, you can also select recovery file types or enter keywords before scanning to narrow down search results. Wise Data Recovery also analyzes the possibility of recovering your lost files and provides you with details about their recoverability, before you decide to start the recovery process. Overall, Wise Data Recovery has an intuitive interface that is very simple to use. Recovering and deleting files takes hardly any effort and can be accomplished very quickly.
Video Memory Stress Test
The Winstep Nexus Dock is a FREE professional dock for Windows. With Nexus, your most frequently used applications are only a mouse click away - and Nexus turns working with your computer into a fun and exciting experience. The Nexus dock provides one-click access to frequently used applications, folders and documents. Main features: Display running applications on the dock with task grouping, filtering and icon customization options. Display system tray on the dock as single or grouped icons. Blur-Behind and colorization of dock backgrounds. Monitor active connections and bandwidth usage with Net Meter module. Get weather forecast for over 39,000 cities world-wide. Multiple mouse over effects: zoom, swing, bounce and more! Live icon reflections and animated water-like effects for reflections and dock backgrounds. Easily change appearance of icons of running programs and shortcuts by drag & dropping PNG, ICO and TIF files directly into the icon. Multi-monitor support. Compatible with skins for all 3rd party docks.
MyDefrag (formerly JKDefrag) is a disk defragmenter and optimizer for Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/2008/X64. Completely automatic and very easy to use, fast, low overhead, with several optimization strategies, and can handle floppies, USB disks, memory sticks, and anything else that looks like a disk to Windows. Included are a Windows version, a commandline version (for scheduling by the task scheduler or for use from administrator scripts), a screensaver version, a DLL library (for use from programming languages), versions for Windows X64, and the complete sources. Why use this defragger instead of the standard Windows defragger? Much faster. Totally automatic, extremely easy to use. Optimized for daily use. Disk optimization, several strategies. Directories are moved to the beginning of the disk. Reclaims MFT reserved space after disk-full. Maintains free spaces for temporary files. Can defragment very full harddisks. Can defragment very large files. Can defragment individual directories and files. Can be run automatically with the Windows Scheduler. Can be used from the commandline. Can be used as a screen saver. Can be run from cdrom or memory stick. Sources available, can be customized. JKDefrag was open source, but from version 4, when it changed its name to MyDefrag, it is closed source.
Wise Registry Cleaner
Wise Registry Cleaner是一个系统实用程序,可以扫描Windows注册表并查找任何不正确或过时的信息。 Wise Registry Cleaner分析系统中的任何问题之后,您可以单独查看找到的每个项目并提出问题的详细说明。如果需要,还可以将应用程序配置为自动更正这些问题。 主要功能包括: 完整的注册表备份/还原。 创建系统还原点。 为每个清理操作创建撤消数据。 检查COM / ActiveX项。 检查应用程序路径键。 检查Windows字体键。 检查共享的DLL密钥。 检查用户MRU列表。 选中卸载条目。 检查文件扩展名键。 检查IE URL历史记录列表键。 检查Windows启动项。 检查图像文件执行选项。 总体而言,Wise Registry Cleaner会在Windows注册表中搜索可能会降低系统速度的无效条目和垃圾。它易于使用,易于导航,并且应用程序设计的布局意味着您需要的所有功能都直接在您需要的位置,包括注册表清理器,系统调整,注册表碎片整理和计划程序。
Wise Care 365 Free
Wise Care 365是PC性能增强*应用程序,它包含五个关键元素:PC Checkup,系统清理程序,系统调整,隐私保护程序和系统监视。 PC Checkup元素可以检查PC的整体运行状况,对PC的运行状况进行分级,并在必要时为您提供快速修复的解决方案。 System Cleaner元素将帮助您扫描和清除无效的注册表项,无用的文件,来自浏览器的垃圾和多余的Windows组件。 System Tuneup元素可优化您的系统,网络,碎片整理磁盘和注册表。管理启动和服务以及上下文菜单。 Privacy Protector将清除您的浏览历史记录,包括查看的图片,观看的电影/视频,访问的文件和访问的页面。它还可以防止文件或数据被专门的恢复软件恢复,并且可以为您生成密码。 系统监视使您可以概述系统进程和硬件信息,例如温度和内存使用情况等。 除上述工具外,Wise Care 365还包括还原和计划程序功能。总体而言,Wise Care 365具有一个简单直观的界面,新手和专家都可以使用。再加上一些完善的工具包,使得Wise Care 365成为有用的应用程序。 *注意,某些功能仅在Wise Care 365的注册版本中可用。
Wise Memory Optimizer
Wise Memory Optimizer
Wise Memory Optimizer
Wise Memory Optimizer
Wise Memory Optimizer
Wise Memory Optimizer
Wise Memory Optimizer
Wise Memory Optimizer
Wise Memory Optimizer
Wise Memory Optimizer 3.65
Wise Memory Optimizer 3.64