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- 下载 SoundTap Streaming Audio Recorder 9 Windows
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- Windows 11
- Windows Vista
- Windows 10
- Windows 8
- Windows XP
- Windows 7
- Windows 8.1
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- 作者
- NCH Software
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- 文件名
- stmaci.zip
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Stream What You Hear
适用于 Windows 的免费音频应用程序
AnyMP4 Audio Recorder
Audacity is a free, easy-to-use audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. You can use Audacity to: Record live audio. Convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs. Edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV or AIFF sound files. Cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together. Change the speed or pitch of a recording. Add new effects with LADSPA plug-ins. And more!
Realtek High Definition Audio
Realtek高清晰度音频编解码器符合Microsoft的UAA(通用音频体系结构)。顶级系列提供了10个DAC通道,这些通道同时支持7.1声音播放,以及2个通过前面板立体声输出的独立立体声输出(多个流)通道。灵活的混音,静音和精细增益控制功能为家庭娱乐PC提供了完整的集成音频解决方案。 符合Microsoft WLP 3.10和将来的WLP音频要求适用于Windows Vista的基于WaveRT的音频功能驱动程序兼容Direct Sound 3D 提供了多个频段的软件均衡器和工具语音应用的麦克风回声消除(AEC),噪声抑制(NS)和波束形成(BF)技术
借助Spotify,您可以随时随地在手机,计算机,平板电脑等设备上轻松找到合适的音乐。 Spotify上有数百万首曲目。因此,无论您是在锻炼,聚会还是放松身心,正确的音乐始终唾手可得。选择您想听的内容,或让Spotify令您惊讶。 您还可以浏览朋友,艺术家和名人的音乐收藏,或者创建一个广播电台,然后坐下来。 使用Spotify为您的生活配乐。订阅或免费收听。
Streaming Audio Recorder
Apowersoft Streaming Audio Recorder是一个简单的应用程序,可以记录计算机声卡和麦克风中的音频(如果需要,可以同时记录)。借助Apowersoft流音频记录器,您可以记录流广播电台并将音频转换成不同的格式,例如MP3,WAV,WMA,OGG,AAC和FLAC。您甚至可以搜索和下载自己喜欢的音乐,然后编辑音频文件。 主要功能包括: 从计算机的声卡/麦克风录制音频。 将音频文件转换为多种格式。 自动识别ID3标签,例如标题,艺术家和专辑。 Apowersoft Streaming Audio Recorder具有一些很酷的功能,例如内置的ID3标签标识符,可以帮助您自动识别音乐文件信息。该工具还支持ID3标签的批量识别。文件转换过程也很容易。它将允许您将音频文件转换为许多不同的格式,例如MP3,WMA,WAV,OGG,AAC。该应用程序还具有Streaming Audio Recorder功能,可让您剪切和拼接音轨,以便自己混合自己的编辑。 总体而言,Apowersoft Streaming Audio Recorder是一个功能强大的音频工具,应在软件集中提供。它是轻量级的,具有易于使用的界面并具有一些有用的功能。
Ace Stream
Ace Stream is a P2P (peer-to-peer) media player that specialises in AVoD (Audio and Video on Demand) and Live Stream (live broadcast). Content is transfered and streamed in a very similar way to torrents, this means that while Ace Stream is downloading your content you also 'pay it forward' by uploading the same content to other users. Features Include: Peer-to-peer multimedia streaming AVoD (Audio and Video on Demand) Live Streaming Use any media player for playback Streams are shared on various platforms by content IDs and played through their rebranded version of the Open Source VLC Media player. Because of its ease of use and sharing, Ace Stream is very popular with sports lovers who are able to share streams of live sports games. Overall, Ace Stream provides a new take on media players by making it incredibly easy to stream content of all kinds.
RipCast Streaming Audio Ripper
Wondershare Streaming Audio Recorder
Wondershare 流媒体音频录制器
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver
Adobe Flash Player
Adobe Flash Player is the high performance, lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences across major operating systems, browsers, and mobile devices. Adobe Flash Player is the choice of both individuals and organizations when it comes to a highly powerful and extremely adaptable multi-platform client runtime. Flash has many new features and continues to be the ubiquitous Web standard; this software is included with all major Web browsers. Adobe Flash Player supports several data formats including AMF, SWF, XML and JSON. The multimedia formats which are supported by Flash Player include .MP3, .FLV, .JPEG, .GIF, .PNG and .RTMP. Other supported features include accelerated graphics rendering, multi-thread video decoding and webcam support for StageVideo. Adobe Flash Player also enables greater privacy controls, utilizing protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS). Key features include: Advanced compression technology and multi-threaded video decoding provides High-quality, Low bandwidth video. Crisp artistic text, utilising an advanced text rendering engine. Stage 3D accelerated graphics rendering. Engaging Flash video, content and applications with full screen mode. Real-time dynamic effects consisting of numerous filters for Bevel, Glow, DropShadow, Blur, Displacement Map, Color Matrix, Convolution, Gradient Glow and Gradient Bevel. Blend modes, stroke enhancement and radial gradient. The versatility of Adobe Flash player is second to none, with animations that can incorporate both text and vector graphics. These animations typically do not take up large amounts of disk space and the contents of Flash animations can also be compressed to reduce their file sizes further. Adobe Flash Player is available across all major operating systems, tablets, smart phones and browsers, and it can deliver high quality digital content via a powerhouse package.
Antares Auto-Tune
Auto-Tune成为专业音高校正的世界标准已有20年了,它是定义现代流行音乐的标志性人声效果的工具。 该程序每天被世界各地成千上万的音响工程师使用,减少了创建专业级音频时的编辑时间和沮丧感。 功能包括: 低延迟模式 Flex-Tune 人性化时间校正图形模式下的时间校正功能使您可以快速弥补定时错误,从而获得完美的性能,或者创造性地修改曲目的定时而不必重新录制。 总体而言,Antares Auto-Tune是一款行业标准软件,可供无数专业人士和知名艺术家使用。
SoundTap Streaming Audio Recorder 10
SoundTap Streaming Audio Recorder 9.07
SoundTap Streaming Audio Recorder 9.03
SoundTap Streaming Audio Recorder 9
SoundTap Streaming Audio Recorder 8.08
SoundTap Streaming Audio Recorder 8.05
SoundTap Streaming Audio Recorder 7.22
SoundTap Streaming Audio Recorder 6.09
SoundTap Streaming Audio Recorder 5.05
SoundTap Streaming Audio Recorder 5.02
SoundTap Streaming Audio Recorder 5.01