- 标题
- 下载 Nero Wave Editor 23.5.1000 Windows
- 系统要求
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 8
- Windows 10
- Windows 7
- 语言
- 可用语言
- 捷克语
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- 许可证
- 免费
- 最近更新
- 作者
- Nero AG
- SHA-1
- 文件名
- NeroWaveEditor-23.5.1000.exe
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Nero Cover Designer
创建家庭电影或音频记录并将其刻录到光盘后,您将需要一个看起来光滑而专业的封面。 Nero CoverDesigner具有为媒体和企业设计封面,卡片和保护套所需的工具-全部免费。 能力 Nero CoverDesigner是一个桌面发布应用程序,其中包含许多方便的模板。因为它是Nero产品,所以其主要目的是为CD,DVD和Blu-Ray光盘创建保护套-您可能已经在另一个Nero应用程序中刻录了保护套。 Nero CoverDesigner产品随附用于大多数常见尺寸的盒子和盖子的模板,包括硬质塑料珠宝盒和蓝光盒子。在设计中使用库中的对象和字体,或选择一个预设模板以加快设计过程。 该软件具有自己的绘图工具,但是与更通用的应用程序不同,其中一些工具专门针对媒体设计。甚至还有一个轨道列表生成器,它可以更轻松地输出格式整齐的轨道列表,而无需用眼睛隔开所有东西的噩梦。 完成后,将设计与覆盖的网格交叉引用,以确保所有内容都按预期排列。在打印时,请选择正确的纸张类型,以确保最终输出没有污迹和条纹。 附加价值 对于免费应用程序,Nero CoverDesigner提供了超出其基本前提的多种功能。该应用程序不仅适用于媒体案例。它带有盘上标签,名片和袖子便条插入物的附加布局。当然,它不是专业的设计工具,但不一定必须如此。如果您想快速为某事物创建袖子,则模板本身具有无价的价值,但这正是使Nero CoverDesigner值得下载的附加功能。
Nero Disc Speed
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Nero InfoTool
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Nero General CleanTool
Nero General CleanTool:完全卸载 Nero
Nero Standard 2019
Nero Standard 2019 is the slimmed down version of Nero Platinum 2019. It comes packed with many of the best features of the comprehensive Platinum edition, including all of the same mobile apps. It provides you with the ability to stream straight to Android and iOS smartphones. You can also do the reverse; send video from an Android and iOS mobile device and burn it immediately, thanks to the updated "AirBurn" feature. Like many other products in the Nero range, Nero Standard 2019 has support for geotagging, called "Places". That means media filmed on a smartphone, tablet or other compatible device can be organised by its location metadata. The software has also been updated with a new look and feel. The brand new launcher is now organized into five sections: "Manage & Play", "Edit & Convert", "Rip & Burn", "Backup & Rescue", and "Extras". The help section has also been improved in this version, with comprehensive guides to walk you through the process of managing content and completing projects. While Nero Standard 2019 is a slimmed down version of its big brother, it still has support for cloud storage in various ways. Nero BackItUp is essentially a storage service that lets you access and play back content from anywhere. Media is organised by date in MediaHome, Nero's content manager, and segmented according to media type as well. Nero Standard 2019, also houses some really cool modules. Nero Recode, for example, rips disc contents or regular audio and video files, and converts them to a particular format, to play on a certain device, or burn them to disc. Nero Burning ROM is again at the the core of the package; burning CDs, DVDs or Blu-rays. With it, you can optionally encrypt your content or split it across multiple discs. If you run the suite on a dual monitor system, then you'll be able to preview your content full-screen on the second display as well. The downside of Nero Standard 2019, is you lose the ability to play back Ultra HD (4K). Otherwise, apart from extra content and video effects and the "stashimi" recorder, the main difference between this and the Platinum suite is the price tag.
Nero Burning ROM
免费试用CD / DVD /蓝光刻录工具
Google Chrome
Dev-C++ is a feature rich IDE, which comes complete with compiler for creating software in C++. It is a fork of the original Bloodshed Dev-C++ environment. Key Features include: TDM-GCC 4.9.2 32/64bit. Syntax highlighting. Code completion. Code insight. Editable shortcuts. GPROF profiling. GDB debugging. AStyle code formatting. Devpak IDE extensions. External tools. Included in the Dev-C++ environment are all of the standard features that are necessary for writing, compiling, debugging, and executing programs written in C. Dev-C++ has been designed for the hard-core C++ programmer as it allows you to compose all of your source code without the simple features, which are common with most programming environments for beginners. Dev-C++ supports the following languages: Croatian, Romanian, Korean, French, Ukrainian, Dutch, Polish, Slovene, Latvian, Czech, Italian, Catalan, Greek, English, Portuguese, Slovak, Chinese (Traditional), Estonian, Galician, Bulgarian, Swedish, Turkish, Norwegian, Chinese (Simplified), Danish, German, Spanish, Russian, and Hungarian. Overall, Dev-C++ is great IDE to work with, if you don't need any advanced tools. It has all the basic things that you need. However, although it is an updated take on an older IDE, it still looks slightly dated.
The Winstep Nexus Dock is a FREE professional dock for Windows. With Nexus, your most frequently used applications are only a mouse click away - and Nexus turns working with your computer into a fun and exciting experience. The Nexus dock provides one-click access to frequently used applications, folders and documents. Main features: Display running applications on the dock with task grouping, filtering and icon customization options. Display system tray on the dock as single or grouped icons. Blur-Behind and colorization of dock backgrounds. Monitor active connections and bandwidth usage with Net Meter module. Get weather forecast for over 39,000 cities world-wide. Multiple mouse over effects: zoom, swing, bounce and more! Live icon reflections and animated water-like effects for reflections and dock backgrounds. Easily change appearance of icons of running programs and shortcuts by drag & dropping PNG, ICO and TIF files directly into the icon. Multi-monitor support. Compatible with skins for all 3rd party docks.
Nero Platinum
Nero Platinum 2019是Windows平台的全面媒体管理解决方案。凭借对蓝光,UltraHD(4k)和3D视频的支持,Nero的白金版具有您需要在家用PC上欣赏内容的所有功能。 Nero Platinum 2019具有许多改进的功能,例如“ AirBurn”,它将Nero Platinum 2018与Android和iOS智能手机紧密集成。 AirBurn允许您将媒体直接从iOS或Android设备发送到桌面应用程序进行刻录。 与Nero系列中的许多其他产品一样,Nero Platinum 2019也支持地理标记,称为“位置”。这意味着可以通过智能手机,平板电脑或其他兼容设备上的位置元数据来组织拍摄的媒体。 该软件也已更新,具有新的外观。现在,全新的启动器分为五个部分:“管理和播放”,“编辑和转换”,“翻录和刻录”,“备份和救援”以及“其他”。 Nero Media Browser 2019使您可以轻松访问媒体文件,并可以根据您的个人喜好对其进行排列。 Nero Video 2019允许您创建,编辑和查看自己的视频项目;它为您提供了灵活的视频设置和工具,因此您可以创建出色的视频项目。 Nero Recode可以翻录光盘内容或常规音频和视频文件,并将其转换为特定格式,以便在特定设备上播放或刻录到光盘上。 Nero Burning ROM再次成为软件包的核心。刻录CD,DVD或蓝光。使用它,您可以选择加密您的内容或将其拆分到多张光盘上。如果您在双显示器系统上运行套件,则也可以在第二个显示器上全屏预览内容。 与Nero品牌的其他应用程序一样,Nero Platinum 2019也支持SecurDisc和文件拆分,因此,如果您决定迁移到Platinum版本,则不会失去功能。 Nero Platinum 2019包括云存储Nero Cloud,因此您可以从世界任何地方访问自己创建的视频和内容。 借助Nero Express,Nero磁盘到设备,Nero Cover Designer,Nero Rescue Agent和Nero BackItUp等其他模块,您实际上无需搜索其他软件即可进行多媒体管理。 总体而言,Nero Platinum 2019是一个全面的多媒体套件。用户界面清晰易懂,功能集一流。它具有管理媒体收藏可能需要的所有内容。
Nero BackItUp
Nero BackItUp is a cloud storage solution and a component of many Nero suites and applications. It's also available as a standalone product that is paid for on a subscription basis. Competing directly with services and Dropbox and Google Drive, Nero BackItUp is in a crowded and growing market. It puts a media-specific spin on its own offering. History Nero BackItUp is marketed as a general cloud storage service for any files or media, but it can also be backed up to local media - hard drives, USB storage, DVD, network drive and so on. The latter is a mark of its legacy; it's a pre-cloud product which has been adapted to include a cloud storage option as the market has grown. Plus Points Like some of its competitors, Nero BackItUp saves different file versions for simple recovery of older files. It has backup apps for iOS and Android, in addition to the Windows version. One account lets users back up a maximum of 5 PCs or laptops via the free software; there's no limit to the number of mobile devices that can be backed up. All of the Nero BackItUp subscriptions include encryption and compression to make sure storage is fast and secure. Plans There are 3 price tiers depending on the volume of storage space you need: 5 PRO is an affordable 5GB account with manual backup on demand 25 PRO ups the storage to 25GB and includes automatic backup The final plan is an unlimited service, which means that there is no storage cap Remember, though, that uploading gigabytes of data takes a long time - as does retrieving it again. If you opt for unlimited, you'll need a connection that is fast enough to support it. Integration Nero BackItUp is particularly useful for people who store a lot of home-made content on mobile devices. Once these photos and videos are in the cloud, they can be streamed and shared from anywhere.
Nero Video
Nero Video 2019是一个视频编辑工具包,旨在满足家庭用户的需求。它捆绑了有用的功能,例如捕获,内容管理和组织,以及视频编辑器和云流服务。如果您喜欢在移动设备或便携式摄像机上拍摄视频,则Nero Video 2018为您提供了将其编译成专业外观所需的工具。 Nero Video 2019包含简单易用的视频编辑工具以及视频的专业外观效果。您可以从空白画布开始,或者通过选择模板和主题来加快制作过程。 Nero可以自动处理视频以稳定图像,从而使最终结果更引人注目且抖动更少。 Nero Video 2019附带的照片和视频效果令人印象深刻。您可以使用一系列令人惊艳的现代滤镜来编辑图像,从而为快照提供新的视角。虽然可以编辑和自定义视频以利用众多主题之一。还有一些有用的工具,例如视频稳定器和效果包,可为您的作品增添专业感。 Nero Video是唯一结合了轻松组织,强大的视频编辑和创作功能以及对所有媒体的出色播放效果的完全集成的视频编辑产品。 可通过Nero Launcher访问项目中使用的所有内容,以及由项目输出的所有内容。要快速创建项目,可以使用快速修整功能。这使您可以轻松地安排剪辑和添加效果,而且Nero的Video Express编辑模式可以帮助您立即制作出精美绝伦的成品项目。当您需要完全控制和处理时,只需在同一用户界面内切换到高级编辑模式即可。这将为您带来更多效果,具有完整叠加处理的多轨时间轴,关键帧控制等。 Nero Video 2019完全支持录制设备现在使用的一些更高级的格式,包括Ultra HD或4K(如果您愿意)。由于4K编辑现在是Nero Video 2018不可或缺的一部分,因此您将立即获得专业外观的结果。 Nero Video 2019中的视频可以直接从应用程序刻录到光盘上,或者您的内容也可以使用自动转码直接流式传输到电视或媒体播放器中。 如果您正在寻找一种独特的解决方案来捕获和组织您的镜头,编辑和创作视频和幻灯片并在电视或PC上播放它们,Nero Video 2019就是答案。