- 标题
- 下载 Movavi Video Suite 23.0.1 Windows
- 系统要求
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 10
- Windows 8
- Windows 7
- 语言
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- 德语
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- 最近更新
- 作者
- Movavi
- SHA-1
- 文件名
- MovaviVideoSuiteSetupC_Wf9rbvn_.exe
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Nokia PC Suite
Nokia PC Suite allows you to access your Nokia phone from your computer for a variety of tasks: Connecting your computer to the internet with the help of your phone Updating phone software and applications Transferring personal data such as picture or video files between your phone and your computer Synchronizing and managing contact and calendar entries Sharing information with Lotus Notes Creating multimedia message on your desktop and sending them through your phone
Movavi Video Editor Plus
Movavi Video Editor Plus 初学者指南
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite
Black Friday Starts Early - Save up to 40% CorelDRAW Graphics Suite provides users with professional-quality design tools for graphic artists. CorelDRAW Graphics Suite always brings a sleeker user interface that previous iterations of the series and makes constant improvements to features and tools. The app also provides additional tool sets, and greater flexibility. Key features: Vector Illustration and Page Layout. Versatile Drawing and Tracing Tools. Professional Photo Editing. Easy Website Design. Show Objects. Copy Curve Segments. Gaussian Blur. Workspace Customization. Font Management. Font Filtering and Search. Windows 10 and 4K Display Support. CorelDRAW Graphics Suite provides a range of workspaces, ranging from lite to familiar. The app also allows for custom setups. The layouts are very similar to Photoshop and Illustrator in many ways, so Adobe users should find no issues at all in getting to grips with Corel's offering. The only downside to this app we can see, is that there is no version available for the Mac platform!
Movavi Video Editor
Movavi Video Editor是用于Windows的功能强大但易于使用的视频处理程序。以零质量损失剪切和加入视频剪辑,应用效果和滤镜,添加音乐,标题等等! Movavi的视频编辑软件直观且功能齐全。 主要功能包括: 将记录从照片或摄像机传输到计算机。 捕获网络摄像头素材,通过麦克风录制您的声音。 上载任何流行格式的视频和音频文件:AVI,MOV,MP4,MP3,WMA等。 添加照片或任何其他图形文件。 旋转和裁剪视频,删除不需要的片段。 加入具有100多种时尚过渡效果的单个帧或视频剪辑。 调整清晰度。 改善亮度,对比度和其他颜色设置。 稳定所有不稳定的部分。 使用Magic Enhance自动提高视频质量。 这还不是全部...像特效一样?借助Movavi Video Editor的特殊“好莱坞”效果,使您的视频更加壮观:使用慢动作创建矩阵式的感觉,或者使用色度键将您的朋友带到另一个世界! 最后,一旦您创建了杰作,如果您想与世界分享,就可以轻松地将完成的项目上传到包括YouTube,Facebook和Vimeo在内的频道。 今天就去试试吧! 寻找Mac版本的Movavi Video Editor?在这里下载
Acronis Disk Director Suite
Acronis Disk Director Suite:完整的分区工具
Microsoft Office Suite 2007 Service Pack 3
此Microsoft Office Suite 2007 Service Pack 3提供了2007 Microsoft Office Suite的最新更新。此更新还适用于Microsoft Office Project,Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer,Microsoft Office Visio和Visual Web Developer。 2007 Microsoft Office套件Service Pack 3(SP3)和Microsoft Office语言包2007 SP3提供了2007 Office套件和Office Language Pack 2007的最新更新。这些更新包括两个主要的修复程序类别: 专门针对此Service Pack进行的以前未发布的修复程序。这包括稳定性,性能和安全性方面的改进。 截止到2011年9月发布的所有公共更新,安全更新,累积更新和修补程序。 由于所有Microsoft Office Service Pack都是累积性的,因此在安装Service Pack 3之前不必安装Service Pack 1或Service Pack2。ServicePack 3包含Service Pack 1和Service Pack 2中包含的所有修补程序。
Adobe Flash Player
Adobe Flash Player is the high performance, lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences across major operating systems, browsers, and mobile devices. Adobe Flash Player is the choice of both individuals and organizations when it comes to a highly powerful and extremely adaptable multi-platform client runtime. Flash has many new features and continues to be the ubiquitous Web standard; this software is included with all major Web browsers. Adobe Flash Player supports several data formats including AMF, SWF, XML and JSON. The multimedia formats which are supported by Flash Player include .MP3, .FLV, .JPEG, .GIF, .PNG and .RTMP. Other supported features include accelerated graphics rendering, multi-thread video decoding and webcam support for StageVideo. Adobe Flash Player also enables greater privacy controls, utilizing protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS). Key features include: Advanced compression technology and multi-threaded video decoding provides High-quality, Low bandwidth video. Crisp artistic text, utilising an advanced text rendering engine. Stage 3D accelerated graphics rendering. Engaging Flash video, content and applications with full screen mode. Real-time dynamic effects consisting of numerous filters for Bevel, Glow, DropShadow, Blur, Displacement Map, Color Matrix, Convolution, Gradient Glow and Gradient Bevel. Blend modes, stroke enhancement and radial gradient. The versatility of Adobe Flash player is second to none, with animations that can incorporate both text and vector graphics. These animations typically do not take up large amounts of disk space and the contents of Flash animations can also be compressed to reduce their file sizes further. Adobe Flash Player is available across all major operating systems, tablets, smart phones and browsers, and it can deliver high quality digital content via a powerhouse package.
7-Data Recovery Suite Free
7-Data Recovery Suite Free是一款小型轻巧的数据恢复应用程序,能够从硬盘,存储卡和闪存驱动器中恢复数据,无论这些数据是丢失还是删除的照片,文件或分区中的数据。 7-Data Recovery Suite Free是一个完整的数据恢复解决方案,可在几乎任何情况下救援文件,包括意外删除的文件,损坏或格式化的硬盘,丢失/删除的分区,从本地驱动器,存储卡或相机丢失的照片或视频。它甚至可以恢复从移动设备丢失的数据。 主要功能包括: 从本地驱动器和移动存储设备中恢复数据**。 恢复文档,电子邮件,照片,视频,音频文件等。 免费版可免费恢复1 GB数据。 7-Data Recovery Suite Free是一个方便的应用程序,已藏在您的武器库中。界面干净,尽管有些陈旧,并且易于通过简单的按钮样式菜单系统使用。您只需选择要进行的恢复类型即可;完成恢复,删除恢复,数字媒体恢复,丢失分区恢复或Android恢复,然后按照简单说明进行操作。 *支持Android OS设备。 **支持的存储设备包括:DE HDD,SATA HDD,SCSI HDD,FireWire HDD,SSD,USB HDD,外部HDD,硬件RAID,软盘驱动器,USB闪存驱动器,紧凑型闪存卡,安全数字卡,存储卡/存储棒,微型卡,Zip驱动器和iPod。
SweetFX Shader Suite
通过 SweetFX Shader Suite 提升您的游戏体验
Windows Media Player
Windows Media Player for Windows XP offers great new ways to store and enjoy all your music, video, pictures and recorded TV. Play it, view it, and sync it to a portable device for enjoying on the go or even share with devices around your home, all from one place. Simplicity In Design - Bring a whole new look to your digital entertainment. More of the Music You Love - Breathe new life into your digital music experience. All Your Entertainment in One Place - Store and enjoy all of your music, video, pictures, and recorded TV. Enjoy Everywhere - Stay connected with your music, video, and pictures no matter where you are.
Movavi Screen Recorder
Movavi软件的一部分,适用于Windows的Movavi Screen Capture Studio可让您快速轻松地捕获屏幕视频,编辑视频片段,添加标题和效果以及在线共享捕获的视频。 使用内置的视频编辑器,通过时髦的滤镜,特殊效果和其他出色的视频编辑工具来完善您的视频。 主要功能包括: 将剪辑保存为MP4,MOV,AVI和其他流行的媒体格式。 / li> 可调帧速率:以高达60 fps的速度捕获屏幕视频,或选择较低的帧速率以节省磁盘空间。 / li> 设置所需的捕获区域。 捕获程序窗口或屏幕的特定部分,或制作全屏视频。 从任何来源获取音频。 使用热键和捕获框顶部的控制面板管理屏幕抓取器。 从PC屏幕上截取屏幕截图,进行编辑,然后将结果保存为所需的格式。 计划捕获计时器以在任何指定时间开始和完成捕获。 添加字幕和标注,或通过背景音乐使您的截屏爵士乐更加生动。 玩滤镜和特殊效果。 此外,您会发现各种各样针对移动设备的现成预设。 使用新的SuperSpeed模式将从监视器拍摄的视频保存在闪存中。 因此,对于易于使用的屏幕捕获软件,该软件使您可以制作具有专业外观的截屏视频,甚至更多,请立即尝试使用Movavi Screen Capture Studio。 您可以使用Movavi Screen Capture Studio创建视频操作方法,从网络摄像头保存视频,抓取在线流视频,捕获Skype呼叫和应用程序,拍摄桌面快照等等!
WPS Office for Windows
WPS Office 2016 Free is the most versatile free office suite, which includes free word processor, spreadsheet program and presentation maker. With these three programs you will easily be able to deal with any office related tasks. WPS Office 2016 Free has multiple language support for English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese,Russian and Polish languages. To switch between languages requires only a single click! Despite being a free suite, WPS Office comes with many innovative features, such as the paragraph adjustment tool and multiple tabbed feature. It also has a PDF converter, spell check and word count feature. WPS Office 2016 Personal Edition supports switching language UI,File Roaming and Docer online templates. Key features include: Writer Efficient word processor. Presentation Multimedia presentations creator. Spreadsheets Powerful tool for data processing and analysis. 100% compatible with MS Office document file types (.docx, .pptx, .xlsx, etc.). Thousands of free document templates. Built-in PDF reader. Mobile device support (iOS and Android). WPS Cloud Storage included. Although it is a free suite, WPS Office 2016 Free comes with many innovative features, including a useful a paragraph adjustment tool int he Writer program. It has an Office to PDF converter, automatic spell checking and word count features. It also has some neat tools such as the Watermark in document, and converting PowerPoint to Word document support. Overall, WPS Office 2016 Free is a good alternative to Microsoft's offering. The Writer program is a versatile word processor; the Presentation program is an easy to use and effective slide show maker that helps you to create impressive multimedia presentations; and the Spreadsheets program is both a flexible and a powerful spreadsheet application.
CapCut - 编辑精彩视频并上传到您的社交网络
Clipchamp - Video Editor
Clipchamp - Windows 视频编辑器
赋能媒体控制:Jellyfin 多媒体视频平台评测
Movie To GIF
电影转 GIF - 将视频剪辑转换为动画 GIF
VideoPad Masters Edition
VideoPad Masters Edition Review - 视频录制、音频录制、视频编辑
HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer
Epic Games Launcher
Pianoteq 4:创新虚拟钢琴软件评测