关于Microsoft Access for Windows
Microsoft Access需要Windows 7或更高版本。该应用程序的当前版本为15.0.4420.1017,您可以获取英语、德语和阿拉伯语版本。
Microsoft Access需要Windows 7或更高版本。该应用程序的当前版本为15.0.4420.1017,您可以获取英语、德语和阿拉伯语版本。
目前 Microsoft Access 的 15.0.4420.1017 版尚无任何更新日志信息。有时候,发布者需要一些时间才能公布该信息,过几天再回来看看有无更新吧。
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OneDrive is Microsoft’s cloud storage solution in response to Dropbox and other similar online services. The OneDrive application integrates with your desktop and functions like any other folder on your PC or Mac. Files copied or moved to OneDrive folders are automatically uploaded to the cloud space. Windows users also have the possibility to access, browse and stream documents, photos, videos and other files from a remote computer that is running the OneDrive software. Documents can be shared and collaboratively worked on with others using the service. Microsoft provides several gigabyte of free storage for existing and new OneDrive users.
2007 Microsoft Office加载项:另存为PDF或XPS允许您在八个2007 Microsoft Office程序中导出并保存为PDF和XPS格式。该工具还允许您在这些程序的子集中以PDF和XPS格式作为电子邮件附件发送(具体功能因程序而异)。 此下载适用于以下Office程序: Microsoft Office Access 2007。 Microsoft Office Excel 2007。 Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007。 Microsoft Office OneNote 2007。 Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007。 Microsoft Office Publisher 2007。 Microsoft Office Visio 2007。 Microsoft Office Word 2007。 此用于2007 Microsoft Office程序的Microsoft另存为PDF或XPS加载项是对2007 Microsoft Office system软件的许可条款的补充,并受其许可条款的约束。 系统要求:支持的操作系统; Windows Server 2003,Windows Vista,Windows XP Service Pack 2。
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Office 2013 是微软的桌面和云生产力套件。它可作为独立的桌面程序包,也可通过微软的 Office 365 订阅模式来获取。它的各种版本包括以下程序: Word 2013 Excel 2013 PowerPoint 2013 Outlook 2013 Access 2013 OneNote 2013 Project 2013 Publisher 2013 Visio 2013 当启动 Microsoft Office 2013 时,你注意到的第一件事就是它在所有支持的平台包括电脑桌面、智能手机和平板电脑上所体现的干净、清爽和连贯的外观。通过订阅 Office 365 和整合 SkyDrive,你可以在任何电脑上通过浏览器访问和编辑你的文件。 Word 2013 有一个“阅读模式”的新功能,它可以去除工具栏,让你可以像在“电子阅读器”中那样滑动和标记文件。视频得到了更好的支持。它们可以直接在 Word 中搜索、添加和查看。 Excel 2013 电子表格有了使用公式和图表的新的简单方法。Powerpoint 2013 增强了演示模式中的控制功能,例如“幻灯片缩放”可以用来放大幻灯片的一部分。将照片添加到演示文稿也变得更容易,因为你现在可以从你的相册、Flickr 和其他在线照片和社交网站搜索和添加图片。
Microsoft Edge是接管Internet Explorer(IE)的地方,它是为Windows 10创建的浏览器。在IE成为Windows操作系统的一部分已有20多年的历史之后,这种新的浏览器更加高效,紧凑。Microsoft Edge专为Web服务而设计,并按照Web标准构建。 Edge专为Windows用户而设计,很快就为自己创造了令人印象深刻的声誉。主要功能包括:公共和私人浏览。更快的页面渲染。直观的界面。社交媒体整合。资源消耗减少。更好的优化。安全功能。学习/阅读工具。个人虚拟助手(Cortana)。能够在网页上书写或绘图。支持Chrome和Firefox等插件。非对称加密和Microsoft Passport只是Edge中包含的大量安全功能中的一部分。网络钓鱼和社会工程学的尝试因此可以被阻止。同时,还可以支持Firefox和Chrome等附加组件。微软已经放弃了对Active-X的支持,因为它试图使浏览器尽可能轻巧。实际上,在开发中,据说Edge被称为“ Spartan”,这是对“轻型结构”的致敬。得益于Edge,“制表混乱”已成为过去。它提供了简单的工具来预览,分组和保存选项卡。这意味着您可以快速查找,管理和打开保留的选项卡,而无需离开当前页面。总体而言,微软开始确保Edge提供更好的性能,电池寿命和安全性–可以说这是巨大的成功!借助内置功能,它还将帮助您保持井井有条,节省时间并帮助您集中精力。Microsoft Edge浏览器也可用于Mac。
MySQL Community Edition is a freely downloadable version of the world's most popular open source database that is supported by an active community of open source developers and enthusiasts. MySQL delivers enterprise features, including: Partitioning to improve performance and management of very large database environments Row-based/Hybrid Replication for improved replication security Event Scheduler to create and schedule jobs that perform various database tasks XPath Support Dynamic General/Slow Query Log Performance/Load Testing Utility (mysqlslap) Improved! Full Text Search (faster, new dev templates) Improved! Archive engine (better compression, more features) Improved! User session and problem SQL identification Improved! MySQL embedded library (libmysqld) Additional INFORMATION_SCHEMA objects Faster data import operations (parallel file load) ACID Transactions to build reliable and secure business critical applications Stored Procedures to improve developer productivity Triggers to enforce complex business rules at the database level Views to ensure sensitive information is not compromised Information Schema to provide easy access to metadata Pluggable Storage Engine Architecture for maximum flexibility Archive Storage Engine for historical and audit data
The Google Backup and Sync tool replaces the Google Drive and Google Photos desktop uploader. This tool allows users to sync videos, photos and all manner of files from various internal and external storage sources. Google Backup and Sync does not replace the apps, rather the change is the way users can upload their data on to the cloud and use it offline. Google's Backup and Sync is a place where you can create, share, collaborate, and keep all of your stuff. Whether you’re working with a friend on a joint research project, planning a wedding with your fiancé or tracking a budget with roommates, you can do it with Google Backup and Sync. You can upload and access all of your files, including videos, photos, Google Docs, PDFs and beyond. Key Features include: Create and collaborate. Google Docs is built right into Google Drive, so you can work with others in real time on documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Store everything safely and access it anywhere (especially while on the go). You can access your stuff from anywhere—on the web, in your home, at the office, while running errands and from all of your devices. Search everything. Search by keyword and filter by file type, owner and more. The software can even recognize text in scanned documents using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology or images using image recognition. You 'may' need to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package to run this software.
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