佳能喷墨智能连接解决方案适用于个人电脑和移动设备,方便用户访问打印机的应用程序和服务。它允许用户直接从移动设备扫描文档和打印照片。该应用程序兼容iOS和Android设备,可供广大用户使用。安装和使用简单,具有易于跟随的提示。用户可以选择所需的打印机设置和打印类型,以满足个人需求。佳能喷墨智能连接解决方案提供类似于Print Inkjet/SELPHY移动应用程序的功能,实现在不同平台上的无缝体验。
编辑评论 · 2023年10月26日
佳能喷墨智能连接解决方案适用于个人电脑和移动设备,方便用户访问打印机的应用程序和服务。它允许用户直接从移动设备扫描文档和打印照片。该应用程序兼容iOS和Android设备,可供广大用户使用。安装和使用简单,具有易于跟随的提示。用户可以选择所需的打印机设置和打印类型,以满足个人需求。佳能喷墨智能连接解决方案提供类似于Print Inkjet/SELPHY移动应用程序的功能,实现在不同平台上的无缝体验。
目前 Canon Inkjet Smart Connect 的 1.0 版尚无任何更新日志信息。有时候,发布者需要一些时间才能公布该信息,过几天再回来看看有无更新吧。
如果您有任何更新日志信息,希望与我们分享,我们非常乐意倾听!发送至 联系页面 联系我们吧。
Uplay, Ubisoft’s gaming platform, provides quick and easy access to the games produced by the developer. Here you can download and buy a wide selection of video games. In fact, if you’re an avid Ubisoft game player, this app is a must-have. Key features include: Multiplayer. Chat options. Impressive games catalogue. Warm user interface. Rewards system. Important updates. Not only does Uplay provide the chance to play some of Ubisoft’s most standout titles, it also boasts some unique features and purchasing options. The multiplayer and communications service for PC also allows gamers to add friends and chat with them. There is also an interesting reward scheme connected to the program, via Ubisoft Club. Essentially, if they complete certain tasks in gameplay, members will see their efforts rewarded in Units. These can be used to unlock features or to get games from the Uplay store at knocked-down prices. Overall, if you play Ubisoft games – whether it be Far Cry or Assassin’s Creed – you have to get Uplay. Huge updates and a rewards scheme are available, as well as the chance to interact with other gamers.
适用于 Windows 的免费智能笔记本演示
佳能 IJ 扫描实用程序:佳能设备的便捷扫描工具
VNC Connect:多平台订阅式远程桌面
RealVNC的VNC Viewer提供了对所选择计算机的即时远程访问。世界各地的Mac,Windows PC或Linux机器。通过VNC Viewer,您可以查看计算机的桌面,也可以控制其鼠标和键盘,就好像您直接坐在该计算机的前面一样。 VNC Viewer易于安装和使用。只需在要控制的设备上运行安装程序,然后按照说明进行操作即可。 (可选)有一些MSI可用于Windows下的远程部署。如果您无权在桌面平台上安装VNC Viewer,则需要选择独立选项。 主要功能包括: 通过云服务连接到运行VNC Connect的计算机。 直接与第三方(例如Apple屏幕共享(ARD))连接到运行VNC兼容软件的计算机。 通过在每台设备上登录VNC Viewer来备份和同步所有设备之间的连接。 虚拟键盘上方的滚动条包含高级键,例如Command / Windows。 蓝牙键盘支持。 VNC Connect订阅提供3个版本:免费,付费和试用。 对于您需要控制的每台计算机,只需访问RealVNC的网站,然后将VNC Connect下载到每台计算机即可。接下来,使用您的RealVNC帐户凭据登录到本地计算机上的VNC Viewer。从那里您将能够看到您的计算机并连接到它们。 使用VNC Connect,您的会话将被端到端加密;该应用程序密码可保护开箱即用的每台计算机。您只需要输入用于登录计算机的用户名和密码即可。 支持WIN 7,8,8.1,10。 寻找Mac版本的VNC Viewer?在这里下载
Adobe Flash Player is the high performance, lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences across major operating systems, browsers, and mobile devices. Adobe Flash Player is the choice of both individuals and organizations when it comes to a highly powerful and extremely adaptable multi-platform client runtime. Flash has many new features and continues to be the ubiquitous Web standard; this software is included with all major Web browsers. Adobe Flash Player supports several data formats including AMF, SWF, XML and JSON. The multimedia formats which are supported by Flash Player include .MP3, .FLV, .JPEG, .GIF, .PNG and .RTMP. Other supported features include accelerated graphics rendering, multi-thread video decoding and webcam support for StageVideo. Adobe Flash Player also enables greater privacy controls, utilizing protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS). Key features include: Advanced compression technology and multi-threaded video decoding provides High-quality, Low bandwidth video. Crisp artistic text, utilising an advanced text rendering engine. Stage 3D accelerated graphics rendering. Engaging Flash video, content and applications with full screen mode. Real-time dynamic effects consisting of numerous filters for Bevel, Glow, DropShadow, Blur, Displacement Map, Color Matrix, Convolution, Gradient Glow and Gradient Bevel. Blend modes, stroke enhancement and radial gradient. The versatility of Adobe Flash player is second to none, with animations that can incorporate both text and vector graphics. These animations typically do not take up large amounts of disk space and the contents of Flash animations can also be compressed to reduce their file sizes further. Adobe Flash Player is available across all major operating systems, tablets, smart phones and browsers, and it can deliver high quality digital content via a powerhouse package.
KDE Connect:连接您的电脑和移动设备
Smart Defrag为您提供可靠的磁盘碎片整理,并通过优化的硬盘驱动器为您提供更好的PC性能。 Smart Defrag是一个免费,轻便且稳定的磁盘碎片整理工具,它将为您的硬盘驱动器提供更快的文件加载速度和出色的磁盘性能。现在,最新版本的Smart Defrag(5)改进了SSD工具。运行这些将大大提高SSD的访问速度。反过来,这将保留驱动器的使用寿命。 主要功能包括: 简单易懂的界面。 相对轻巧。 功能丰富。 语言支持。 SSD修剪功能。 游戏碎片整理。 如果您是游戏玩家,那么Smart Defrag就在您的小巷旁。 Smart Defrag也有一个有用的工具,称为Game Defrag。您可以手动添加游戏,因此它们会与存储驱动器的碎片整理过程分开进行整理。 Smart Defrag的最新版本已更新,包括一个新的碎片整理引擎,专门的游戏碎片整理,外观新颖的界面以及对超过35种语言的支持。总体而言,Smart Defrag是一个很好的工具,您应该在常规的系统维护计划中使用它。
Remote Desktop Connection Manager (RDCMan) manages multiple remote desktop connections. It is useful for managing server labs or large server farms where you need regular access to each machine such as automated check-in systems and data centers. It is similar to the built-in MMC Remote Desktops snap-in, but more flexible. The RDCMan 2.7 version is a major feature release. New features include: Virtual machine connect-to-console support. Smart groups Support for credential encryption with certificates Windows 8 remote action support Support for Windows 8, Windows 8.1 / Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2. Supported Operating Systems: Windows 10 Tech Preview , Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server. Tech Preview:Users using Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 will need to obtain version 6 or newer of the Remote Desktop Connection client software.
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