Evernote Windows 版
- 由 Evernote
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- Windows Vista
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- Evernote
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- 文件名
- Evernote_5-0-0-782.exe
Evernote Windows 版
- 由 Evernote
- 免费
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Evernote使您可以使用最方便的任何设备或平台在任何环境中轻松捕获信息,并使这些信息随时随地都可以访问和搜索。 别忘了事情。立即捕获所有内容,以便以后可以全部找到。 任务和待办事项笔记和研究网页电子白板商业名片涂鸦快照酒标然后随时在您使用的所有计算机和设备上找到它们。 Evernote如何做到?
AV1 Video Extension (Beta)
AnyDesk是一个流行的远程桌面应用程序,它使用新的视频编解码器,该编解码器专门设计用于外观新颖的图形用户界面。 AnyDesk软件功能多样,安全且轻巧。该软件使用TLS1.2加密,并且对连接的两端均进行了密码验证。 AnyDesk非常轻巧,被塞进1MB的文件中,不需要管理特权或安装。 AnyDesk的用户界面非常简单,易于浏览。 借助AnyDesk,您可以在任何地方使用个人计算机。个性化的AnyDesk-ID是桌面以及所有应用程序,文档和照片的关键。最重要的是,您的数据将保留在硬盘驱动器上的任何位置。
Evernote Sticky Notes
使用Evernote便笺,您可以将重要的Evernote便笺钉在桌面上。您的笔记将始终清晰可见,因此您不会忘记它们。 Evernote即时贴易于使用且用途广泛。每个音符都可以分配自定义颜色,以使其与其他音符更加区分开。 Evernote即时贴具有出色的同步功能,这意味着您的便笺将自动与Evernote帐户同步,并在多个设备上保持更新。 该应用程序提供了一种更高效的方式来访问Evernote笔记。笔记会自动与您的Evernote帐户同步。 Evernote便签本适合所有希望以更方便的样式显示Evernote便笺的用户。 主要功能包括: 定制颜色备注。 易于使用。 轻巧。 增强的同步。
LogMeIn Hamachi是一项VPN服务,可以在10分钟内轻松完成设置,并且可以在有Internet连接的任何地方安全地远程访问您的企业网络。 它可以与您现有的防火墙一起使用,并且不需要其他配置。 Hamachi是第一个提供空前水平的直接对等连接性的联网应用程序。它简单,安全且具有成本效益。 LogMeIn Hamachi的优点: Internet上的 LAN-将多台计算机安排到它们自己的安全网络中,就像通过物理电缆连接它们一样。 文件和网络驱动器 -访问关键文件和网络驱动器。 零配置 -无需调整防火墙或路由器即可工作。 安全性 -业界领先的加密和身份验证。 具有成本效益 -免费用于非商业用途。
Microsoft OneDrive
OneDrive is Microsoft’s cloud storage solution in response to Dropbox and other similar online services. The OneDrive application integrates with your desktop and functions like any other folder on your PC or Mac. Files copied or moved to OneDrive folders are automatically uploaded to the cloud space. Windows users also have the possibility to access, browse and stream documents, photos, videos and other files from a remote computer that is running the OneDrive software. Documents can be shared and collaboratively worked on with others using the service. Microsoft provides several gigabyte of free storage for existing and new OneDrive users.
Paint.NET is free image and photo manipulation application for the Windows platform. Every feature of Paint.NET, including the user interface, was designed to be immediately intuitive and easy to learn without assistance. Key Features Include: Special effects tools include: blurring, sharpening, red-eye removal, distortion, noise and embossing. 3D Rotate/Zoom effects make it very easy to add perspective and tilting. Image manipulation tools include: brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, curves, and levels. You can also convert an image to black and white, or sepia. In order to navigate multiple images easily, Paint.NET uses a tabbed document interface. The tabs display a live thumbnail of the image instead of a text description. Paint.NET uses a layers system to form the basis for rich image composition. Layers are likened to a stack of transparency slides that, when viewed together at the same time, form an image.
Windows Defender
Windows Defender is an application which helps protect your computer against pop-ups, slow performance and security threats that are caused by spyware and other malware, by detecting and removing these threats from your computer. Windows Defender features Real-Time Protection; a monitoring system that recommends actions against spyware when it's detected. It minimizes interruptions and helps you stay productive. Windows Defender key benefits include: Spyware detection and removal. Improved Internet browsing safety. Protection against the latest threats. Windows Defender is enhanced by SpyNet; a community that brings Windows Defender users together to identify and share information about spyware. This community reports potential threats identified by the Windows Defender real-time system agents to the SpyNet servers, these in turn, catalogue and update the system to help protect you from new spyware threats.
FastStone Image Viewer
FastStone Image Viewer是一种快速,稳定和用户友好的图像浏览器,转换器和编辑器。该应用程序具有一系列不错的功能,包括图像查看,管理,比较,消除红眼,通过电子邮件发送,调整大小,裁剪和颜色调整。 FastStone Image Viewer既创新又直观。该应用程序具有全屏模式,可通过隐藏的工具栏快速访问EXIF信息,缩略图浏览器和主要功能,当您的鼠标触摸屏幕的四个边缘时,这些工具栏会弹出。 FastStone Image Viewer支持所有主要的图形格式,包括: 骨形态发生蛋白 JPEG格式 JPEG 2000 动画GIF PNG PCX TIFF WMF ICO TGA 该应用程序还支持流行的数码相机RAW格式,包括: CRW CR2 NEF 聚醚砜皇家空军 MRW ORF SRF DNG 其他功能包括高品质的放大镜和具有150多种过渡效果的音乐幻灯片,以及无损JPEG过渡,阴影效果,图像注释,扫描仪支持,直方图等等。