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Recensione dell'editor · 22 febbraio 2024

ByteBurst: Panoramica del simulatore di hacking

Experience the art of computer hacking with ByteBurst: Hacking Simulator, a premium strategy and computer hacking simulation developed by Oneman Interactive Entertainment. In this game, players step into the shoes of a hacker working for CodeBandits, completing assignments from their business partner, Kate, to earn a paycheck. From weakening servers to obtaining passwords, each task presents a unique challenge. While the gameplay may initially confuse newcomers or those unfamiliar with hacking, the immersive experience is worth the learning curve.

Get paid for completing hacking assignments in ByteBurst: Hacking Simulator by navigating through tasks like sending IP addresses and utilizing terminal commands. Each assignment acts as a puzzle to solve independently, requiring players to understand technical jargon and command functions. As players progress, the game unfolds into a more engaging experience, offering an in-game desktop for note-taking, wallpaper customization, and browsing fictional websites.

Immagine ingrandita per ByteBurst: Hacking Simula…
ByteBurst: Hacking Simulator 0/1

Specifiche tecniche

ByteBurst: Hacking Simulator varies-with-devices per Windows
Windows 7
Lingue disponibili
  • Inglese
  • Spagnolo
  • Turco
  • Cinese
  • Russo
Ultimo aggiornamento
Oneman Interactive Entertainment

Programma disponibile in altre lingue


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