


Scriblink LLC. privacy terms (Gratuit)

Note des utilisateurs7

Scriblink is a free online whiteboard that you can use for multiple purposes. The whiteboard lets you draw on a digital canvas, which opens in your web browser. You can then share or save your work for future references. It has a clean interface with a simple toolbox including lines, pens, circles, text elements, grids and symbols.

Key features include:

  • Privacy: the board is all yours, open only to the people you choose to invite.
  • Dynamic Tools: use shapes, hundreds of colors, a size bar, a text feature, and a grid to help guide your drawings.
  • File Options: gives you the ability to print, save, and email your work.
  • Image Uploader: upload an image onto the whiteboard as the background, allowing you to share it, mark it, deface it, or highlight key elements.
  • In-Screen Chat: when working with others, no need to sign in to third party software, simply use in-screen chat.
  • VOIP Conferencing: if you have a mic for your computer, you can automatically connect with your collaborators (no software necessary) and talk for free for as long as you like.
  • File transfer: when emailing is too much of a hassle, simply transfer files directly to anyone you're working with.

Scriblink also has some cool tools, including a built-in conference system, which you can use to make online conferences while the participants see the whiteboard in their screen. This feature is very useful, you just need to click on Phone Conference button on the bottom right corner and follow the instructions.

Overall, Scriblink is a great tool that can be utilised by everyone. It has lots of useful features and a clean and straightforward interface.




Scriblink,Scriblink pour Web Apps
  • Internet Explorer,
  • Firefox,
  • Chrome,
  • Opera
Langues disponibles
  • Français,
  • Anglais,
  • Allemand,
  • Espagnol,
  • Italien,
  • Japonais,
  • Polonais,
  • Chinois
Date ajoutée:
Wednesday, December 7th 2011
Scriblink LLC. privacy terms



Scriblink LLC. privacy terms (Gratuit)

Note des utilisateurs7


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