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Critique de l'éditeur · 27 août 2022

Zoom Player Max is a flexible and sophisticated media player for Windows. It is based on 'Smart Play' technology, which means you can playback more media files with improved stability, greater performance, and less fuss.

Because it's easy to use, Zoom Player Max is suitable for every user level, but the advanced playback and customisation options make it great for power users, too. Zoom Player Max supports a wide range of file formats including Blu-ray and 4K, and can even play incomplete AVI files and those locked by third party programs.

Key features include:

  • Video and audio playback.
  • 'Smart Play' technology.
  • High performance media playback.
  • Improved stability.
  • Intuitive interface.
  • Audio equalizer.
  • Colour control.
  • Supports Blu-ray.
  • Screenshot feature.
  • JukeBox mode.
  • YouTube integration.
  • Several advanced customisation options.
  • Create ringtones from audio playback.
  • Playback history.
  • Subtitle support.
  • 30-day free trial.

If you're looking for a customisable media player, look no further. Zoom Player Max gives you extensive options from custom mouse gestures, skins, interface panels, and menus. You can also select a custom background image to display when nothing is playing, or when playing audio files with no associated image folder.

Zoom Player Max is great if you want a smooth media playback experience. Thanks to the Smart Play technology, you'll experience improved stability and greater performance, without being slowed down. The volume equalizer and colour control will ensure your music and videos can be played without concern.

Overall, Zoom Player Max is a great option for a Windows media player. It gives you a huge range of customisation options and ensures a smooth playback experience that won't slow you down. With a free 30-day trial, why not give it a go for yourself and try Zoom Player Max.

This is a 30-day free trial of Zoom Player Max. Find Zoom Player Free here.

Image agrandie pour Zoom Player Max
Zoom Player Max 0/3

Caractéristiques techniques

Zoom Player Max 17 pour Windows
Configuration requise
Windows 10
Langues disponibles
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Nom de fichier

Programme disponible dans d’autres langues


Nous n’avons pas encore d’informations sur le changelog pour cette version 17 de Zoom Player Max. Parfois les développeurs tardent à rendre cette information disponible. Nous vous invitons à consulter l’information à jour d’ici quelques jours.

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