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编辑评论 · 2000年1月1日

SendinBlue can provide a speedy, efficient way to make a high return on investment with email newsletters and promotions. The service is a market leading solution for businesses that need to independently manage their email and SMS marketing campaigns.

It is a sturdy web-based platform to operate from, and it allows businesses to craft tailored marketing campaigns, manage contact lists, and send emails to the subscribers on customized contact lists. To follow up on those campaigns, SendinBlue is able to provide statistics, which can be used in order to track the results of their online marketing campaigns.

With advanced features that enable businesses to schedule specific times when their messages should be sent, and the ability to segment contacts based upon customized filters, you can see why SendinBlue is suitable for businesses in every industry.

Constructing Email & SMS CampaignsWith SendinBLue, you can construct an email marketing campaign using the supplied email creation tools. The system uses drag and drop functionality to enable you to edit text, forms, and pictures, so that you can customize your content. If you are not yet ready to finalize your design, then email designs can then be saved to be worked on at a later time. In case you need to send a quick marketing campaign, SendinBlue also has you covered with a selection of quick templates to choose from.

Running Campaign ReportsAs soon as your email campaign has been launched, you can view detailed reports, which can track the results of your efforts. You simply choose the campaign that you require data about, and SendinBlue will provide you with all the relevant metrics, including interaction history and stats for every subscriber on your list. Reports can be broken down into the number of views, unique views, clicks, unique clicks, unsubscribe requests, and bounces, which have occurred. This kind of data is invaluable, as you can gain a greater insight into percentages of recipients who marked your message as spam etc. You can also see a list of which readers have viewed your message in its entirety. Any created reports can be downloaded to your desktop, or are able to be shared with fellow colleagues by using SendinBlue’s sharing tools as well.

Viewing Real-Time StatisticsA key feature of SendinBlue is the ability to gain a high-level view of your email campaign via the Campaign Statistics tab. From there, you can view in-depth campaign statistics in real-time. You can see the overall results of your email marketing campaigns, and also view those results by ISP as well.

The platform also allow you to build your own tracking statistics with custom metrics as well. The statistics can be filtered by date range, thereby giving precise data by date. For instance, you can see the open rate, click rate, and un-subscription rate for messages sent in July and August. If you need to see further detailed analytics, you can drill down to view more data, both for email and SMS campaigns.

IntegrationsSendinBlue is able to integrate seamlessly with lots of apps and services, including Easy Digital Downloads, Magento, PrestaShop, WooCommerce, and Wordpress.

PricingSendinBlue uses a Freemium, one-time license, subscription based pricing model. There is a free trial and a free plan available, with no credit card required.Pricing for SendinBlue is based on the number of emails that are sent in a one month period. If you send fewer than 9,000 emails per month (300 per day), then the service is free. It is worth noting that you can only use the software's email design builder for 60 days though, and unfortunately you don't have access to some of the detailed analytics available in the free plan.

Bottom LineSendinBlue is a good e-marketing solution that goes one step further than its competitors. The self-serve approach lets users affordably send marketing emails themselves, without relying on agencies to do the work. The solution is easy to use and can be setup by beginners as well as advanced users. With the ability to run and then track campaigns via real time stats, you can see why business of all sizes from all industries use SendinBlue as their email marketing platform.

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