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编辑评论 · 2000年1月1日

ion interactive is a complete content marketing solution, designed for digital marketers. It optimizes your content and makes it more interactive and customer friendly, thereby enabling you to get higher leads and better conversion rates on your websites.

Using ion interactive's agile, developer-free platform and service programs, your brand is able to generate, qualify and deeply profile more leads with interactive content.

ion interactive provides a number of data-driven experiences such as calculators, assessments, report cards, quizzes, interactive infographics, look-books, interactive white papers, and configurators, which can all be created, launched and tested without development resources.

ion interactive is able to seamlessly integrate into the marketing technology ecosystem, delivering meaningful, contextualized, explicit and descriptive buyer profiles for both sales and marketing. Lead scoring, segmentation, targeting and personalization are all more effective using ion interactive's explicit data, instead of the more common inferred digital body language.

Integrationsion interactive integrates with the following apps and services: AWeber, ClickTale, Demandbase, dotmailer, Facebook, HubSpot, Google Analytics, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Marketo, Twitter, MailChimp, SugarCRM, Pardot, Net-Results, Oracle Eloqua,, Third-Party Integrations , Crazy Egg, Act-On, LinkedIn, Uberflip, and Talisma. ion interactive also has an API available for use as well.

Pricingion interactive uses a subscription pricing model with plans starting from $2000.00 per month. The platform creates an interactive content marketing program that is tailored to suit your specific needs. All plans provide; unlimited quick starts , unlimited users, limitless analytics, unlimited email and phone support, unlimited sell side experiences, unlimited A/B/n testing, and free custom branded themes. All subscriptions also enable creation, testing and measurement of an unlimited number of interactive experiences.

Bottom LineOverall, ion interactive is a robust marketing solution that gives digital marketers the ability to generate quality results from their content. By using ion interactive’s content platform and service programs your brand can generate, qualify and deeply profile leads. You can deploy faster, test smarter and measure more accurately via this interactive content software platform, which creates, launches and tests all types of interactive content.

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i-on interactive, inc.



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